Reader's Diary


"If you believe in everyone, it will be okay. Even if you become uneasy, it will be alright."​

Bởi vì cậu ấy sẽ lấy đi những thứ mà tớ trân trọng nhất...​

I wonder "who is that person" important to Akiho. So far, we know that Akiho is not living by herself instead she has a caretaker and that person has been taking care of her since she was young. I wonder if that person is a lot older than her? It's sounds very mysterious and somehow feel that the caretaker of Akiho is that mysterious cloaked person but I'm not buying it yet, it could be someone else.

We do not know yet if Momo is just an ordinary plushie but somehow I have a feeling that Momo is actually alive and it might be similar to Kero-chan character. What's more interesting is that Momo's face looks quiet similar to Mokona modokis in xxHolic and TRC series and Momo looks much like that God messenger bunny Ushagi-san's in Kobato series. If look closely at Momo's ear you can see it's wearing an earing which resembles to the clock at the end of Clear Card Arc Chapter 9. I don't know much about the earring thing in Clamp's universe but if you have read TRC and xxHolic series the two creatures the black and white Mokonas also wear an earring on one of their ear as well and their earring had a potential role in both of the stories. For example, the red earring on the white one possesses the ability to enhance magical power while the blue earring on black one has the ability to seal magical power. So if that bunny Momo is alive and is wearing that clock earring, it probably possess a magical ability as well? Anyway that's just my theories lol what are your thoughts about Momo? Feel free to comment below.

(It's very very old... I found it on Facebook. The time post is 2/2/2017.)

"I wonder if the cards are alright?"
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