Một số bài mẫu trong thi IELTS: phần Speaking, test sample 2


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Như các bạn đã biết, bài Kiểm tra Nói của IELTS thường có 3 phần chính, mỗi phần tập trung kiểm tra khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ của người thi ở những mức độ khác nhau và các lĩnh vực khác nhau.

Theo đó, phần 1 thường tập trung nhiều hơn vào những thông tin cá nhân và sở thích cá nhân như tên, ngày sinh, nơi sinh, quê quán, gia đình, nơi ở, nơi làm việc, nghề nghiệp, sở thích, v.v. Tuy là những câu hỏi về thông tin cá nhân, nhưng người hỏi thi trông chờ vào cách trả lời các câu hỏi ở mức độ hoàn thiện, đầy đủ thông tin và có cấu trúc nói rõ ràng. Vì là một bài thi ngôn ngữ, khả năng của người thi được đánh giá ngay từ những câu hỏi đầu tiên cả về cách sử dụng câu, cấu trúc nói, vốn từ vựng, ngữ pháp, ngữ âm và độ trôi chảy. Khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ một cách thành thạo, chuyên nghiệp và tự nhiên sẽ giúp bạn đạt được thiện cảm và sự đánh giá cao của người hỏi thi ngay từ những câu đầu tiên này. Do vậy, hãy tự tin, tự nhiên, thoải mái thể hiện khả năng nguôn ngữ của mình. Bạn cứ coi như là một cuộc nói chuyện vui, nhưng nghiêm túc với giáo viên thân thiết của bạn vậy.

Phần 2 của bài thi nói thường được gọi là "Independent Talk- Nói chủ động". Trong phàn này, bạn sẽ được cho chọn ngẫu nhiên một chủ đề thi nói mà bạn sẽ được cho phép nói trong khoảng từ 2-2 phút 30 giây (tuỳ từng người hỏi thi). Sau khi bốc chủ đề, bạn được phép có 1 phút để chuẩn bị cho phần nói của mình. Sau đó, bạn sẽ độc diễn về chủ đề mình vừa chọn. Vì là nói chủ động, người chấm thi sẽ để ý tổng thể cấu trúc nói của bạn, cách lập luận của bạn, logic vấn đề của bạn nói và khả năng dẫn dắt của bạn đối với người nghe về chủ đề này. Thông qua đó, người chấm thi cũng sẽ kiểm tra vốn từ vựng, mức độ khó dễ của cấu trúc câu bạn dùng, mức độ phù hợp về cấu trúc, ngữ pháp, từ vựng, ngữ âm, độ trôi chảy trong việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ của bạn. Bạn làm càng tốt, điểm thi của bạn càng cao. Lưu ý nữa ở phần này là bạn nên tận dụng tối đa thời gian mà bạn có cho đến khi người hỏi thi có ý hoặc chủ động dừng bạn lại.

Phần 3 của bài thi nói thường được miêu tả như một cuộc trao đổi giữa người thi và người hỏi thi. Chủ đề của phần này thường là những vấn đề liên quan, được mở rộng từ chủ đề chính của phần thi số 2 ở trên. Phần 3 sẽ đánh giá chính xác khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngử của bạn do câu hỏi thường không được biết trước khi người hỏi thường chủ động chuyển câu hỏi nếu nhận thấy bạn trả lời câu hỏi của họ theo dạng học thuộc lòng. Cũng như vậy, các kỹ năng cụ thể cũng được người chấm thi để ý đến như đã đề cập ở trên.

Phần thi nói trong IELTS là một phần thi khó đối với học viên Việt Nam do thiếu môi trường luyện Anh ngữ, thiếu khả năng phát âm chuẩn và thiếu khả năng lập luận. Để giúp các bạn học viên hình dung rõ hơn nội dung cụ thể có thể có của một bài thi nói IELTS, TAPL Việt Nam lần lượt giới thiệu một chuỗi các bài thi nói mẫu để các bạn tham khảo.

Sau đây là Bài mẫu Số 2.

Part 1
I'd like you to tell me a little bit about yourself. Is that okay?
1 When is your birthday?
2 What do you do in your family when it's someone's birthday?
3 What kinds of presents do you give each other?
4 On what other occasions do you get together as a family?
5 What is your favorite family celebration?
Part 2 : Talk on a topic for 1 or 2 minutes
Describe a national festival or celebration in your country.
Tell me about:
1 why the festival takes place
2 what people do during the festival
3 what the atmosphere is like and
4 what makes this festival important to you
4 Do you often go to this festival?
5 Do you enjoy it? Why (not)?
Part 3 Discussion Topics
Other important national festivals and celebrations
1 How important is it to have national celebrations?
2 What positive effects do these festivals bring to a country?
3 Are people as interested in these celebrations as they were fifty years ago?

The role of International events
4 Do you think international sporting events bring nations together?
5 Is it possible for smaller nations to compete with more powerful countries in international sporting events?
6 Do countries always benefit financially when hosting international events such as the Olympic Games (Sea Games)?

The role of national identity
7 What are the benefits of globalization?
8 What problems might an immigrant face when moving to a new country?
9 Is it possible for an immigrant to fully integrate into the society of their adopted
Bạn thử chuẩn bị cho bài nói trên nhé. Chúng tôi sẽ đăng tải bài trả lời mẫu trong kỳ tới.

Sau đây là một trong những bài nói mẫu chủ đề về Movie. Bài nói không thật tốt, bạn có thể xem và bổ sung cho mình nếu cần thiết.

Good afternoon, my name is Anna. Could you tell me your full name please?

Roberto Rossi.
What should I call you?

Thank you. Do you work, or are you a student?
I’m a student.

Can you tell me about your studies?
Um well, uh my studies are in relation to cultures in the world. Uh When I was- when I was young, my father used to travel a lot and used to come back home, giving me a picture of a very vast world where people used to live and think and behave in different ways. So in comparison to what I used to study in geography, the world seemed to be a lot more interesting to go and- and explore. So as soon as I got rid of all that and I finished school I decided to uh go and experience uh first-hand what it really means to live in direct contact with a different culture. So I ended up looking for the most traditional and isolated cultures in the world at that time a few years ago, and uh I decided to go and live as one of the local people; which I did for a period of time. So that experience really changed my life and made me understand also, a lot better, what I wanted to study umm at University.

What is your favourite subject?
Anthropology, and social anthropology in particular. So in reality what I do, is I go back to one of these places where I’ve been in the past and I- and I see in what way the society changes as the rest of the world changes, and uh in what way it is affected by the outside world. So I ended up learning the language and I and I ended up understanding probably a lot more what really goes on in uh- in uh the inside of a person who lives in a little dot in the middle of the ocean, and all he or she knows is that and that is the universe- in comparison to us, um being sort of constantly bombarded by- by a lot more information.
What is your study plan?
I’m starting to and- I’m thinking of furthering my studies by doing a Masters and perhaps a PhD. I’m very interestednt of view, but also for a personal point of view I think it is very important to do things combined together, and what we learn and understand in life can really be of help to other people if we- umm if we develop it to a certain extent.

Thank you. Do you have any hobbies or interests?
Oh yes, a number of them. I like to umm read a lot, and I also like to play soccer. Um But err, I can say that lately, unfortunately, I don’t much time to do either of them.

What hobbies are popular with young boys and girls in your country?
Well, young boys and girls mm like to interact and meet and have a good time together. So, we start generally since we very young by meeting at the end of the day when we get out of school at the local bar or corn- corner in the area where we live in the square and in the same area with lots of other people, older and younger than us. And uh hobbies generally for the young boys umm are sport and socialising and dancing. And same for the girls, except that the girls are certainly a lot more into fashion and umm dancing.
Do people usually continue their hobbies when they get older?
When they can, they do. Generally that depends on what kind of commitments they are involved to and uh with, and if they can afford, only also in terms of time uh in what they like to do.

Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you to speak one-to two minutes on a topic. You have one minute to plan your answer.
Topic: Describe a movie, which made a strong impression on you.
Well um, the name of the film is [inaudible]. It is actually a very famous movie. It won the Oscar in 1989. And um…it’s a movie about the story of a kid who grows up in a small village in Sicily. And we can see very clearly through the film uh in what way the community influence him, and uh also his first love story with a local girl and how much they affect his life. So it’s actually a movie in retrospective because it goes back, and uh he tries to get in touch with the same girl. And by doing that, you basically revisit the most important part or his life. Parts. And uh, it is really showing us in what ways all these things really affect all us. How much we keep on dreaming, and how much we keep on hoping in our lives; especially when we can’t leave- err what we really wish and desire to leave, especially when it comes to emotional things.
And uh it’s a film that ah is also based on a true story, and um I think um the public can really feel that. So it’s also shot in a very, very good way and we can see Sicily through 50 years of life. And from the end of the Second World War to today, which is also more or less perhaps, you know, the period of time of my life, of my father’s life. Anyway, the main actors in the film are [unknown] and the famous actor who I don’t remember.

Thank you. Do you go to the movies often?
Yes, yes, most often as I can. I really like films, especially the European movies - French, Italian, and English. I really like the way they represent the- the European culture.

Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you a few more questions about films and movies. Are films popular where you come from?
Yes, they are very popular. Actually, cinema and movies is a big industry in Italy. And uh it has been the second major industry in the world in terms of films uh in the 50’s, so you have probably seen yourself a number of Italian movies. But uh, actually, it is a particular kind of way of making films and uh they still remain very popular. Yes.
Do you think people are going to the cinema more these days compared with 25 years ago?
Umm…No, I don’t think so. I think that today TV and videos and DVDs actually have replaced often what people used to go only going to the theatre. A few years ago when I was younger, I remember, there were a lot of people going to the cinemas and it was packed, and the same movie was left there for weeks and weeks and weeks where now normally, a show in the same cinema for a lot less.

What films are popular with young people these days?
We have in Italy a very strong American influence and as well, so a lot of American movies, and a lot of high-tech movies with special effects. And uh but at the same time we also keep maintaining a kind of our own genre and some Italian movies they never get to the overseas market, they also remain- become very popular in Italy.

Do peoples taste in films change as they get older?
I think so; I think so- I think movies also a little mirror of how we change in life, what interests us and what we see in them. And um ah, as you know, in our 20s we are perhaps a little more romantic and we like certain kinds of movies, and then perhaps we like to think a bit more about our life… and we see different kinds of films.

Has technology made a difference in the quality of modern films?
I think so, yes, a big difference. Um the effects now seem to really suck you in when you see a movie. And the way the film edited, they also keep your attention a lot better than in the past. You can see the way that they are put together, and also the sound quality is a lot better, and umm I think there’s been certainly, technologically speaking, a big improvement there.
How will technology be used to improve films in the future?
Well, ah I am not an expert but I think that if we will ever get 3-D movies, ah or movies in 3-D, ah we will uh find ourselves even more immersed in what uh for only at the moment only our eyes and our ears can see in two dimensions.
Why have the forms of popular entertainment changed over the years?
Because the society has changed a lot. And now uh we seem to be rushing all the time, and we want to consume everything a lot faster. So I think every form- form of entertainment is also reflecting that kind of very fast, quick way of ah wanting something different, and wanting something very quickly and ah…yes.
Will people still go to the cinema in the future?
I hope so. I don’t know, but I think there will be people that, like today, like to see not only the new movie but also the old movie because it represents what they have seen what they were younger and what they and also what they were dreaming at that time and I think that remains within us all our life.
Thank you, that is the end of the speaking test.

TAPL Vietnam

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