Every parent wish to choose a good school with highly qualified educating. While assessing schools' competency, one of the criteria that parents often rely on is test score. However, are test scores exactly indicative of a school's qualification? In my viewpoint, we should not take test scores as the decisive factor of schools' competency.
Some people suppose that a good school means good academics, and a schools with good test scores will be more competent. While the quality of students and teachers varies between schools, year-to-year assessments can give a fairly accurate representation of how well a school is performing. Nevertheless, this opinion is not true for all cases because of the two reason below.
Primarily, test scores may be inaccurate due to ineffective examining methods. To check students' knowledge, schools often resort to oral tests and writing tests. It is a fact that many children might be knowledgeable, but struggle during tests. Besides, students may chest in the exams or bribe to gain good marks. For these points, the reliability of test scores is not really high.
Secondly, test scores offer little information about a school. In many schools, teachers only focus on tests, teaching their students how to do well with tests and gain good marks by giving them some tips, and students often learn in a passive way, which is of no use for their future. Besides, in many schools, students make every effort to learn their majors, and ignore other subject, sport or socializing activities and personal hobbies. They are quite bookish; therefore, they can find it hard to come to the world later. Therefore, test scores are not precisely indicative of schools' competency.
All in all, parents should not pick up test scores as the criterion of a school's competency. Moreover, apart form looking at the studying and educating quality of a school, parents need to assess other factors, so that they can find a favorable environment for their children's development.