Feel free to write ^.^

“Bây giờ ngươi mà lộn xộn, miệng vết thương sẽ bị động, ta là một cô nương, sao có thể để lại sẹo.” Ta tỏ vẻ không đồng ý.

Vô Mẫn Quân khinh thường nói: “Vết thương trên người ngươi nhiều như vậy, thêm một vết cũng có sao…”

Lời còn chưa dứt liền lập tức ngậm miệng, hiển nhiên hắn cũng ý thức được mình vừa nói một câu ngu xuẩn cỡ nào…

Ta phát điên: “Ngươi nhìn lén th.ân thể ta? !”

Vô Mẫn Quân yên lặng rụt lùi: “Không, à, trong lúc vô ý thoáng nhìn … Vừa nãy lúc Thái y bôi thuốc…”

Ta ngồi ở bên gi.ường, nghẹn lời nói: “Ngươi đừng né, ta cũng sẽ không đánh ngươi.”

“Nói cũng đúng…” Vô Mẫn Quân cười, lại vô lại nói, “Như vậy đi, ngươi nếu cảm thấy không vui, có thể nhìn lại? Tùy ngươi xem trên xem dưới xem trước xem sau đều được.”

Ta chậm rãi nói: “Nếu thực có một ngày, ta muốn trả thù ngươi, cũng không phải làm như vậy.”

“Ồ?” Hắn hứng thú nhướn mày, “Vậy ngươi muốn làm như thế nào?”

Ta nhìn nhìn hắn, nhẹ giọng nói: “Ta sẽ tìm một nam nhân đến giúp ta, làm một số chuyện khó có thể mở miệng nói…”

“… … … …”
Conan 82 - 16k. T.T Tự hỏi tại sao không đc giảm 1 xu nào vậy?? =.=
Lần đầu tiền lò mò đi nộp tiền điện. Suýt lạc :))~
Topic: Should HIV/AIDS mothers give birth to their children

Bài viết tham khảo.

Name : Ta Huong Thao

Class: 5A13


In 2013, a statistic conducted by World Health Organization (WHO) states that 3.2 million children are living with HIV/AIDS all over the world. These children are infected with HIV from his or her mother. Therefore, many people argue that if HIV mothers still continue giving birth to their children. In my opinion, they should not because of 2 following reasons.

Health problems which HIV children have to face are the first reason why HIV mothers should not breed their children. As far as we all know, HIV gradually destroys human immune system, so patients easily die of common diseases such as flu or cold if their HIV stages turn into AIDS. Be a HIV child, s/he has to live with injections more frequently and more severely than normal children because child’s immunity which is now damaged hardly by HIV can work well as usual. Moreover, children also suffer the same opportunistic injections as adults do. In addition, the ending of almost all HIV children is death. According to WHO, 190 000 HIV children died in 2013, out of 1.5 million overall. Is it fair that HIV children live with much physical pain and then they die when they are still young; meanwhile, their uninfected friends live happily without pain?

Beside health problems, the HIV children can probably live under social pressure. Although people’s knowledge about HIV/AIDS transmission, they still prejudice the HIV children. Some parents consider the HIV children as “contaminant” and keep their kids away from them. Furthermore, children depend on caregiver or relatives, so the likelihood that children can access to proper treatment is quite low because their relatives are afraid of social pressure. This happens very frequently in low and middle income countries.

Opponents’ opinions indicate that to HIV women, their children are their only happiness so it is comprehensible that they can still give birth to their kids. As stated above, HIV children suffer from not only health problems but also psychological ones by virtue of pressure from society. If their kids can not live with much both physical and psychological pain, may they still feel happy? Perhaps, they feel less lonely when they have their kids by their side at the beginning but after they die of HIV/AIDS, how do their kids live for the rest of their lives by their own? Their lives are likely to be rough and not happy at all.

In conclusion, HIV women should take breeding into a serious consideration because of what their lovely kids have to deal with after they are born. In the near future, scientists can find the cure for HIV/AIDS to help patients live healthily without HIV/AIDS, especially children.

Name: Tran Hong Nhung

Class: 5A13

Topic: Should HIV/AIDS mother give birth to a child?

Human immunodeficiency virus infection/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(HIV/AIDS) is adiseaseof the human immune systemcaused by infection withhuman immunodeficiency virus(HIV). In the past century, HIV/AIDS is considered the sorest threat in human community with about more than 35 million people living with HIV/AIDS now and most of HIV infection cases were the result of sexual intercourse and from HIV mothers to their children. As far as I am concerned, I think HIV/AIDS mother should not give birth to a child.

It is a fortunate fact that thanks to the development in medical treatment, HIV parents can dream of having a healthy baby now with help and instruction from doctors as there are now some ways to prevent HIV virus from transferring from mothers to children when they get pregnant and give birth to them such as using ARV regularly. However I still support my point of view that HIV mother should not give birth to a child because of 2 reasons.

First and foremost, HIV/AIDS mother should avoid getting pregnant in the first place due to the high chances of transform HIV virus to her expecting child and her partner as well. According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 2.3 million individuals worldwide are newly infected with HIV every year and at least 36 out of 100 children whose mothers were infected with HIV have this virus in many parts of their bodies. Chances are that those children can live up to 10 years or more but they should be always under observation of doctors and have one kind of medicine or another to power up their immune system which is not cheap at all. If not, maybe they will not die of HIV virus but many can be attacked and killed easily by many other kinds of viruses. Therefore, a child with HIV virus from his or her mother is not only a burden on that family’s but also society’s economic and mental status.

Besides, HIV mother should not give birth to a child because it is high chance that this child will have to live a lonely and sorrowful life after his mother died. That medical treatment can help lengthen lives of HIV children does not mean that can help them live happily in a family with their mom and dad. HIV parents usually cannot live long with their child and after they died, those children will neither become orphans nor live in difficulty with grandparents and relatives which means having hardly any access to medical healthcare. Furthermore, as there are not many people who have proper knowledge about HIV/AIDS, HIV children will have to live in society’s discrimination and prejudice, then, maybe have little chance to get on in life.

In conclusion, I think that HIV woman should avoid getting pregnant and giving birth to a child in order to prevent infecting HIV virus to her lover and her expecting child in particular because of 2 reasons above. Moreover, I myself hope that the public become more open-minded and forgiving for those HIV people as well as their children because they also need encouraging to overcome their problems and mistakes.

Name: Trần Đức Quỳnh

Class : 5A13


According to the latest survey conducted by sociology researchers, the number of HIV people is reaching its peak in recent decade. The stupefied fact is that one fourth of these people are the children who inherit HIV virus from their mothers at birth. Some people strongly recommended that the HIV mothers should procure abortion. Others, however, assumed that getting rid of a fetus is such an immoral crime regardless he/she is a HIV baby. There are a number of arguments as well as significant concerns can be attributed to this notion as now will be discussed.

One of the main points is that abortion is the only way to give HIV babies cessation from the pain, diseases, discrimination or even vitriol from people around them. When infecting HIV virus, the weak immunity systems of babies are overridden and incapable of protecting their bodies from other diseases. After coming into the earth, they must bear multitude of pain brought about by illness. That gauntness will come along with these children to the end of their lives. Furthermore, they are probably oppressed by the harsh words from some rugged people. Before they can aware all their biter suffering, let’s end up their affliction by ending up their lives. No matter how hard we try to cure them, they still die. An early death likely brings about liberation to them.

On the other hand, government as well as HIV children’s family will lessen burden in term of finance and aid. Treating process costs HIV patients a big fortune, whereas overwhelming majority is unable to afford the medical service. Where can they find medical aid? That is a big question. Government and non-government organization are exerting themselves to weed out “century’s disease”-HIV and find drugs to cure HIV patients. However, they seem to try in vein as up to now, there is no medicine can actually makes HIV patients overcome their illness. If these HIV babies are born, there will be more burdens putting on government and families. More HIV babies means more budget paid for them. Government will have less money to invest in other affairs.

In contrast, someone presumes that getting rid of HIV fetuses is such an immoral crime. These fetuses are also human beings, hence, they have right to survive and desire for happiness and love from other people. They are unreservedly right. These babies are innocent. Socialistically, fault belongs to their parents who entail responsibilities. However, as mentioned above, we do not mean to kill these HIV fetuses. We don’t want to see the biter pain persecute them day after day. The doctors themselves are tormented when doing these abortion cases. We have no choice!

All in all, killing a human is not always considered as a crime but a rescue for himself and other people. Sometimes, we have to make choices that we do not want. We out and out cannot ward off it because that is life.

Name: Vu Ngoc Diep

Class: 5A13

Should HIV/AIDS mothers give birth to their children?

There are an estimated 250000 to 300000 HIV/AIDS women giving birth annually. This figure raises a big question that “ought HIV-positive mothers to become pregnant?” The issue has been debated for many years. In my opinion, women with HIV/AIDS are still able to giving birth for some reasons.

Many people might believe that all babies born by HIV-positive women will be infected, or those HIV-positive mothers are too sick to have healthy pregnancies and give birth to HIV-free children. However, these concepts are completely wrong.

Primarily, accepting births of HIV/AIDS women is to ensure civil rights. Giving birth is every woman’s fundamental rights, and HIV women have no differences. Human Right Conventions say that every woman has rights to decide for herself, without coercion, whether having children or not. Therefore, pregnancies of HIV-positive women are recognized and defended by the government and the laws. The laws do not ban marriages of HIV/AIDS people, so prohibiting them from giving birth is unreasonable.

Besides, today, thanks to advances in HIV medication and more clinics that are specifically dedicated to HIV treatment, most children are not infected by their mothers. Mother-to-child transmission has been almost completely eliminated as a result of effective voluntary testing, appropriate medical treatment and safe use of breast-milk substitutes. According to the March of Dimes, women with HIV/AIDS who take antiretroviral medication during pregnancy as recommended can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to their babies to less than 1%, down from about 25% in the early 1990s.In addition, in 2010, in United States, a study showed that there was no case of vertical transmission of HIV when guidelines to prevent this were properly followed. The facts show that there is no reason for HIV-positive women to be not pregnant.

In brief, HIV/AIDS women should give birth as it sacrifices a dream of being mom and there is higher and higher rate of healthy children who are born by HIV-positive mothers. Society should respect HIV mothers’ decision to become pregnant and have babies and assist them in having the healthiest and happiest pregnancies.

Topic: Should HIV/AIDS mothers give birth to their children?

In modern society, there are many problems that people have to deal with. One of them is the spread of sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Many young girls or even women take part in some sexual behavior without any safety methods. Therefore, most of them are carrying not only the STDs but also the future generations. Nowadays, there is one argumentative question: Should HIV/AIDS mothers give birth to their children? In my opinion, HIV/AIDS mothers should not give birth to their children because of two reasons.

Firstly, science research stated that children of HIV/AIDS mothers are more likely to be infected with the same diseases. According to WHO, there are nine cases out of one hundred infected during pregnancy, seventeen cases during the stage of labour and ten cases during the lactation. Even if the children were born, he or she would be very weak and had a very short life-span.

Secondly, children of HIV mothers will likely be discriminated. Although people nowadays have common knowledge about the STDs but most of them are still scared and avoid contacting with the infected children at schools. As a result, HIV children isolate themselves from others and society and have many negative thinking. They cannot live a normal life like everyone else and start acting out of control. Moreover, some of their actions may promote the schools, families or society by skipping classes or take part in a fight. Not to mention the possibility that they can commit serious crimes.

Many people said that despite of the diseases, the infected mother has the right to bear their children. They believed that the rate of HIV/AIDS transmit from mother to the baby is still quite low, the kid will grow up and live a healthy life. In fact, the possibility of having an infected children is high if there is no intervention methods. Even though the kid is born healthily, he or she will be alienated because people know about the kid is the children of HIV/AIDS mothers.

In short, HIV/ADIS mothers should not give birth to their children for some reasons. The children is easily infected by the diseases from the mothers as well as discriminated by others. They cannot have a normal life and they always suffer from both physically and mentally pressure from many sides in society. Therefore, it is the best that infected children should not be born.

Nguyen Thanh Van.5A13
Bài nào cũng thấy có lỗi, số ít số nhiều có loạn ít nhiều. Có vẻ khó control :-?
Bài Quỳnh dùng đi dùng lại từ "biter", mà mình nghĩ phải là "bitter" mới đúng. ^0^
Chẳng hiểu sao vẫn không thấy có tiếng nói chung! Ở VN cũng có trường hợp lên TV, 2 vợ chồng mắc HIV, sinh ra con vẫn bình thường khỏe mạnh, chứng tỏ điều này hoàn toàn có thể xảy ra ở các nước phát triển và đang phát triển. Vấn đề ở đây là, các nước nghèo và kém phát triển không có đk để HIV mothers tiếp cận đc công nghệ mới này; hơn nữa vẫn còn tỉ lệ rủi ro trong quá trình điều trị, đứa trẻ phải sống cùng ba mẹ nhiễm HIV cũng phải cực kì cẩn thận. Ba mẹ có thể bỏ lại chúng bất kì lúc nào, vì sức khỏe của họ vốn không thể đảm bảo, rồi sau đó sẽ lại là gánh nặng xã hội. Rõ ràng cơ may chúng không mắc bệnh vẫn có, nhưng cuộc sống khó khăn không tưởng.
Mỗi người một kiểu tư duy khác nhau. Văn mình viết dù tiếng Anh, hay tiếng Việt cũng đều khô khan, triển khai ý là chính, viết văn theo hình thức "liệt kê" - chính là những gì cô giáo Văn ôn thi đại học đã nhận xét. Nói chung có lẽ không phải mọi thứ cứ nỗ lực là được, vẫn còn cần thêm chút "trời cho" nữa. Chả hiểu khi ta chui ra đời ông trời bonus được cái chi?
Throne Rush có thêm cái hiệu ứng lửa cháy ảo lòi ra! :v Phá nhà lửa cháy, chết người cũng lửa cháy? Cái quái gì vại? :v~
Vừa bị tấn công, quay lại nhìn nhà nó, SHOCK!!

Có vẻ quyết tâm giữ mỗi castle. Cơ mà không sao, ta cho đại bàng bay trên trời, tường gì cũng chấp hết ^0^~
Làm xế đưa chị Thu ra bến xe về quê. Lượn trời tối mai hơn hẳn lúc chiều nay đi mua Conan. @@
Phê, quá đã :)) Biết đi xe máy thì còn tổ lái nữa. Tiếc là chưa học thành tài. =))
Bạn Huệ lâu về thế? Tớ đói rầu. :(
Vừa onl FB đã bị mẹ Hiệp kêu về, nói ba Hạnh mất, lớp cấp 3 về với nó.
Ba nó ốm mất rồi.
Thêm một người, lại một người.
Nhưng mai mình không định về. Dù biết nghĩa tử là nghĩa tận, nhưng một là ngoài bạn bè, còn họ hàng trên này, từ đầu năm đến giờ đến chơi được một lần, lâu lâu không đến rồi, mới xếp được lịch tuần này.
Thấy tội lỗi đấy, nhưng vô lực thôi.
Thực ra mình và Hạnh, biết nhau từ cấp 2 chung lớp đội tuyển, nhưng kiểu người đơn giản như mình so với kiểu khéo ăn khéo nói như nó không thể hợp hẳn được. Vẫn thích người sống thẳng sống thật hơn với tình cảm của mình. Nhưng dù gì bây giờ ba nó mất, chẳng hiểu nó như thế nào lúc này? Mẹ dặn gọi điện cho nó, mình nói gọi chẳng biết nói gì, nhắn tin thôi. Lại nói mẹ gọi được có 5s, nhắn được 2 tin. Còn mình lúc này không biết phải nhắn gì, nói gì.
Lần trước bà cái Tây mất, bà nó già rồi, cũng xác định tinh thần rồi, nhưng tự dưng nhắn tin cho nó mình cũng thấy ngượng ngập chẳng biết an ủi chi, nhắn cái tin Tiếng Anh thất đỡ ngượng. Thật chả hiểu làm sao. Cơ mình nhớ lúc đó nó cũng bận, chẳng động dến điện thoại, qua tang bà mới nhắn tin lại cảm ơn mọi người đã quan tâm.
Dù gì mình với Tây là bạn thân, nhóm bạn nối khố rồi, nó vẫn sẽ khác. Hoặc là đi theo tập thể, không thì thôi, tự dưng nói chuyện riêng với Hạnh vẫn thấy ngượng. Có lẽ cũng vì lên ĐH, khoảng cách ngày một xa rồi, hồi cấp 3 mình cũng không phải đứa cởi mở với bạn bè như bây giờ, mà chỉ gắn với BBF và đứa ngồi cùng bàn. Đi chơi với lớp hầu như đều khất, tổng kết cuối năm xong cũng không họp lớp. Thậm chí hết lớp 12, con gái khóc lòe mắt, đen sì, mình vẫn tỉnh rụi. Chúng nó rủ nhau về nhà Tuyền, mình thì về nhà. Chuyện của lớp chưa bao giờ là chuyện của mình. Mình và tập thể gắn bó nhất chắc là giờ kiểm tra Tiếng Anh, khi chúng nó hăm hở chép bài mình, hoặc giờ Tin học, mình hăm hở chuồn sang từng máy làm bài tập Pascal cho chúng nó hồi lớp 11.
Chẳng hiểu sap lại lan man sang cái vấn đề này. Chắc đang tự kiểm điểm. Không phải mình quá bận không thể từ bỏ, không thể bù được mà về quê, không phải vì tuần trước đã về, tuần này có về thì lại về 1 ngày, mệt mỏi, mất thì giờ...
Tất cả những cái đó không phải trọng điểm.
Có lẽ cái lí do chính mà mình không dám nói ra, là mình không sẵn sàng.
Mình thấy mình thật xấu tính đấy, mà nếu mình một ngày nào đó vào hoàn cảnh của Hạnh, một ngày nào đó, mình sẽ ra sao??
Nhưng vẫn chẳng thuyết phục nổi bản thân để mai ra bắt xe chen chúc về quê. Trọng điểm không phải ngoại cảnh, không phải cơ hội, mà là con người!
Sao school phẩy s chỗ này, hơi lạ hen:D
Tìm hiểu lại thì đề này đúng rồi chị ạ. Người ta đang muốn nói việc đánh giá chất lượng trường học mà.
Essay on “Are Test Scores a Good Indication of a School’s Competency?”
Every parent in the world wishes the best for his or her children. Parents want to make available the best of the facilities within their financial reach to the kids. While choosing the right school, test scores are often looked at among other things to ascertain the school’s competency.

Test scores can be a good indication of the schools competency while selecting a middle or high school for kids. While choosing an elementary school, factors like warmth and experience of teachers in the school and the infrastructure are bigger concerns. However, parents should research a bit more into the scores before making a choice. When looking at test scores, prefer schools with a higher average over the past five six years rather than the ones from which the highest scorer in the region comes from. While the highest score can be often credited to the individual’s scholastic aptitude, the higher average would indicate positive contribution of the teachers and the administration toward all the students.

An argument exists that higher test scores maybe are an indication of academic competency, but not necessarily an indication of a good school. A school with academic excellence as the centre of attention cannot offer wholesome learning as students focused solely on getting better grades might miss out on sports, socializing, and other interesting hobbies, which are all very important factors. Also, high scores in a school could well be due to the teachers training the students in how to get better grades by answering the test paper correctly, irrespective of the students’ understanding the subject matter. Therefore, just the test scores can also be a false indication of the competency of school.

Thus the test scores should be looked into by parents before selecting a school, but should never be the deciding factor. It should be merely looked into to confirm that the other more important factors like teacher qualifications, infrastructure and a favorable environment for learning exist in good measure in a school.
Nay sinh nhật Chanh, mai sinh nhật bà Hương. Bội thực sinh nhất. :v
Được hôm ăn bánh made by ss Ki Du Da và món bánh mì áp chảo cũng made by ss Da nốt. :v
Có một nhận xét là giọng chị nhẹ nhàng chẳng hợp vs khí chất uke tý nào =))
Sau hôm nay chắc mình lại bị mọi người nhìn nhận là bỉ bựa thêm 1 phần. :3
Quá mệt mỏi với các mối quan hệ xã hội và quan hệ trong gia đình.
Cái mình muốn là đối với nhau chân thành, không cần phô trương cho mọi người thấy, rồi đến chính lúc khó khăn lại chẳng thấy mặt.
Nhưng mình biết không ai nghĩ như mình. Cái thái độ lạnh nhạt xa xôi sẽ mất lòng không ít người, nhưng một "trạch nữ" thì thế, không thích cái kiểu gặp mặt không mục đích - ngại, có cảm giác mình đang làm phiền cuối tuần của người khác. Nhưng người khác sẽ không nghĩ vậy, phải không??
Quay lại
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