The Frequentative form


Believe in Good
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Bài viết
Using the correct forms of USED TO, BE USED TO, GET USED TO : sửa dùm e gấp gấp
- Trước đây người ta vẫn thường nghĩ rằng mặt trời di chuyển quanh trái đất.
- Những công nhân mới đang quen dần với công việc nặng nhọc ở nhà máy.
-> The new workers are accustomed gradually to get used to slog in the factory.
- trước đây trên đường đi học tôi vẫn thường đi qua một hiệu sách.
-> Previously on the way to school I used to go through a book.
- Bà ấy biết là bà ấy không còn đẹp như xưa.
-> She knows that she is not used to beautiful as the past.
- Có phải bạn thường đi bộ tới trường trước khi bạn có cái xe đạp này không ?
-> - Did you used to walk to school before you have the bike, did not?
- Chúng tôi vẫn thường sống ở đồng quê khi còn bé.
-> We used to live in the Country as a kid.
- Các bạn sẽ quen dần với phương pháp học Tiếng Anh mới này.
-> You will gradually get used to the method of learning English in this new.
- Trước kia không có nhiều cửa hàng trên con đường này.
- Cái máy này vẫn thường hoạt động tốt trước khi ông bạn sửa nó.
-> What this used to works well before he was to repaired it.

Selec the correct word or words from the parentheses in each sentence :
- We are not used (at,to,on,for) studying late at night.
-> We are not used to studying late at night.
- Our grandmother is no longer as strong as she used to (be,being).
-> Our grandmother is no longer as strong as she used to be.
- My brother never gets used to (wake,waking) up at six o'clock in the morning.
-> My brother never gets used to wake up at six o'clock in the morning.
- The old man (would,was used to) go every day to the park to feed the birds
-> The old man was used to go every day to the park to feed the birds.
- She doesn't write to me as often as she (was used to,used to).
-> She doesn't write to me as often as she was used to.
- I think you have (used to,used,been used to) your time well.
-> I think you have been used to your time well.
- That's where I (got used to,used to,was used to) live when I was a boy.
-> That's where I used to live when I was a boy.
- He used to (saying,say) that one place was as good as another.
-> He used to saying that one place was as good as another.
- I'm not used to (be,being) spoken to like that.
-> I'm not used to be spoken to like that.
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