Super digest book 90+ [english translation]


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SDB 90+ Q&A

(Translations by Startold & Spimer from DCTP)


Q1: How many centimeters are Shuuichi's eyelashes?

A: I don't know (laughs)

Q2 : How tall are Shuuichi and Amuro?

A: I don't know, but Akai is a bit taller (laughs)

Q3: I want to know the birthdate of Akai-san and Amuro-san!

A: I would like to know too! (laughs)

Q4: How old is Akai-san?

A: He's 31 or 32, I think.

Q5: What motivated Shuuichi to do jeet kune do?

A: It's because his father practised it too.

Q6: Did Akai begin to let his hair grow long ever since he joined the FBI?

A: Maybe (laughs)

Q7: Please tell me which tabacoo brand Shuuichi smokes!

A: I have not decided yet (laughs)

Q8 : Is Shuuichi Akai his real name? Isn't it a fake name like how Casval names himself Char?

A: It's his real name (laughs)

Q9: Will you draw in the near future a story about when the Akai family lived in England?

A: Eh? Do you want one? (laughs)

Q10: Akai seems to have gotten better at cooking ever since he became Subaru but did he only eat convenience store bento before that?

A: Maybe he ate calorie mates or something like that (laughs)

Q11: Does Akai collect hats?

A: Well, he likes hats. (laughs)

Q12: Does Shuuichi remember his meeting with Ran and Shinichi at the beach?

A: He doesn't remember, does he? (laughs)

Q13: Why does Akai always wear the same clothes?

A: Because it's hard to invent other clothes for him. Sorry! (laughs)

Q14: How does it feel for Akai to play the role of Subaru? I think he looks weird when he's in disguise.

A: Do you think so? (laughs)

Q15: Where, when and how did Akai learn how to snipe?

A: He learned it in Hawaii with his father, I guess? (laughs)

Q16: Amuro makes hamu sandwiches (hamusando) because he's PSB (kouan), right?

A: Ah, I understand better now! (laughs)

[Translator's note: apparently it's a pun]

Q17: Amuro looks like the type that could do anything, but does he have a "single weakness" like Conan with singing?

A: When it involves Akai he gets annoyed and doesn't act rationally

Q18: What is Vermouth's secret that Amuro-san has on his hands?

A: Is it really OK if I tell you? (laughs)

Q19: Amuro-san said that he hurt his shoulder while doing a tennis service in a tournament, but is that some foreshadowing?

A: It was a lie. In truth he can play tennis perfectly. (laughs)

Q20: Are Amuro's skin and hair color due to a drug?

A: Which drug? (laughs)

Q21: What do Azusa and the owner of the Poirot think whenever Amuro doesn't come to work on that day?

A: Guess they think something like "AGAIN?" (laughs)

Q22: Is Amuro's first love Elena-sensei?

A: She is! :heart:

Q23: Isn't the hair near Amuro-san's ear curled?

A: I guess so? (laughs)

Q24: How does Amuro-san spend his holidays?

A: He doesn't have holidays (laughs)

Q25: Is there going to be a story about Amuro-san and Matsuda-keiji's past at the Police HQ?

A: I hope to draw one, yes.

Q26: Amuro-san and Matsuda-keiji were friends at the Police Academy, but did Matsuda-keiji and Scotch know each other?

A: Maybe they did.

Q27: I think that Amuro & Azusa might be a thing but do you have any vision of that happening? (laughs)

A: Well... I wonder about that? (lol)

Q28: Are you going to explain the background of the infiltration investigation of Amuro-san?

A: I guess so? (laughs)

Q29: Do you have plans to make any lady who dated Amuro appear in the main story in the future?

A: Huh? Did I say that (lol)?

Q30 : Why does Amuro know Vermouth's secret?

A: Because he's a guy who's an expert at info gathering, just like a detective (lol)

Q31: If tennis is Amuro-san's specialty, then what sport is Akai-san very good at?

A: If you let him do any sports even though he has no previous experience he might be good at any of them (laughs)

Q32: Are Akai-san and Sera-san going to meet again?

A: Ahah, please look forward to it! (laughs)

Q33: Are you planning to draw a scene with Akai-san, Furuya-san and Scotch in which they play as a music band?

A : I wonder about that (laughs)?

Q34: Are Akai-san and Haibara-san relatives?

A: Heh, heh, please look forward to it!

Q35: Akai and Haneda Meijin (Shuukichi) are in contact with each other?

A: Heh, heh, please look forward to it!

Q36: Will Akai and Amuro get along eventually?

A: Do you think that they will? (laughs)

Q37: How attractive are Akai and Amuro to women?

A: They are very attractive (laughs)

Q38: Which type of women do Akai-san and Amuro-san like? Cute, womanly beautiful, cool, natural?

A: I think Amuro-san likes intelligent and cheerful women. Akai-san likes quiet women.

Q39: What type of student were Akai-san and Amuro-san in college?

A: Akai-san was like in the "Sazanami" series. As for Amuro-san, it's a mystery! (laughs)

Q40: I'd like for Akai to address Conan as "Conan-kun"!

A: Huh... Is that so! (laughs)

Q41: When Akai-san and Akemi-san were dating, did he cook rice for her?

A: Yes, he did (laughs)

Q42: Sera said that "It'd seem that [my big bro Shuuichi] had a lot of trouble getting the green card", but did Shuuichi directly tell her about all his struggle to her, summing it up like "Man... Getting a green card is a lot of trouble, you know?" or did she hear it second-handed?

A: Didn't he tell her? (laughs)

Q43: Who exactly is Tsutomu Akai, Shuuichi's father?

A: Well, read [the magazine] and look forward to it!

Q44: Who was the model for Tsutomu Akai? I personally think that his outfit looks like the movie in which Jude Law interprets Watson. He also had a moustache as well...

A: I thought of giving him a long, thin face so I guess he's based on Clint Eastwood? (laughs)

Q45: What does Okiya Subaru do with his life apart from eavesdropping, protecting and cooking?

A: I don't think he plays KanColle (laughs)

Q46: Who was Shuuichi's model?

A: His hairstyle was inspired by Char Aznable (laughs)

Q47: Where does Subaru's name come from?

A: I invented the name Akai. I thought it was cool. (laughs)

Q48: Subaru's cooking is occasionally overcooked, but is his food still eatable?

A: Since he was taught by Yukiko, it must be good (laughs)

Q49: How does Yukiko-san call Subaru-san?

A: Shuu-chan, I think. (laughs)

Q50: VA Ikeda Shuuichi was called "Shuu-bou" in the past, or so he admitted, did the same happen to Akai? (laughs)

A: Well, let's say it did (laughs)

Q51: If Akemi-san called Dai Moroboshi ''Dai-kun'', how did Dai call her?

A: "Oi", "You!", or "Hey!". (laughs)

Q52: It's about Amuro's "baby face" but... 1) is he aware of that? 2) does it worry him? 3) is he making a weapon out of it? Which would it be?

A: None of those (laughs) And, say... "Baby face"? (laughs)

Q53: Who is Amuro-san going to be in love with?

A: Do you want him to be in love? (laughs)

Q54: Does Amuro-san speak English?

A: Doesn't he? (laugh)

Q55: Did Rei Furuya, Jinpei Matsuda, Kenji Hagiwara, Wataru Date en Scotch go to the Police Academy at the same time, and do they have the same age?

A: I think so, yes.

Q56: Is Kazami, of the Secret Police, going to appear in the manga?

A: Would you like him to? (laughs)

Q57: Is Kazami single?

A: Sorry, but I don't know (laughs)

Q58: Is there a possibility Miwako Satou and Rei Furuya will talk in the future? If there is, will it be as Amuro Tooru? Or as Furuya Rei?

A: I think that he'd talk to anyone who isn't Secret Police as Amuro

Q59: Sera will be very active in the future, won't she!

A: Obviously (laughs)

Q60: Are Amuro-san and Sera-chan going to be a couple? (If Amuro doesn't die, that is)

A: Uh? Why? (laughs)

Q61: Will Sera continue to use "boku" as personal pronoun from now on even after she becomes an adult? She doesn't use polite speech, so I'm worried about Sera's future.

A: I'm not worried at all myself, though (laughs)

Q62: Why is it that only Chuukichi was given to be adopted to the Haneda Family?

A: Maybe he wasn't given to be adopted, he became a member of the family instead (laughs)

Q63: Does Shuukichi Haneda do jeet kune do?

A: Guess that he doesn't (laughs)

Q64: Conan-kun is injured on a regular basis, is he resistant to pain?

A: I think that he feels the pain like anyone would (laughs)

Q65: Can Conan make a lot of refootings?

A: Feels like he'd never stop doing those (laughs)

Q66: What's the reason for Conan not telling his identity to Akai?

A: Please look forward to it.

Q67: According to Asami-senpai, Conan's (Shinichi) favorite food is lemon pie. Is that true?

A: Maybe he likes whatever Ran cooks him. (laughs)

Q68: Ever since Shinichi became Conan he hasn't been going to the high school, right? Who contacted the school and told them he wouldn't be coming?

A: Didn't Ran do it? (laughs)

Q69: From time to time, Conan has a jumper with a "K" written on it. Is it the "K" from "Kudou"? The "K" from Superman's "Clark Kent"?

A: It's the "K" from "Karl Helmutt", actually. (laughs)

Q70: Is there going to be a scene with another man that Ran loves apart from Shinichi?

A: I've already drawn a scene in which she gets nervous with a character who looks like Shinichi. (laughs)

Q71: Before they separated, did the Mouri family live in a police accomodation office, or in their own apartment? Do you have any plans to draw an episode that would show how they moved to the Detective Agency?

A: But I've already drawn their previous apartment in "Ran GIRL" (laughs) Is it OK now? (laughs)

Q72: Please tell me Heiji Hattori's birthdate!

A: I haven't decided yet, but he must be a Lion.

(TN: Between the 22th of July and the 23th of August)

Q73: Is Heiji's dark-skinned grandfather on his paternal side? Or his maternal side?

A: Isn't it from his paternal side, I wonder... (laughs)

Q74: Is Heiji's dark-skinned grandfather going to ever appear?

A: You want to see him, don't you? (laughs)

Q75: Is Morofushi-keibu single?

A: He is.

Q76 If you turn Wakasa Rumi into Alphabet and change the letter orders, it becomes "Akai was Rum". Does it have any relevance?

A: H-huh... Is that so (laughs)

Q77: Will Rumi Wakasa and Momiji Oooka have an important role in the future of the series?

A: It's obvious that they will!

Q78: Who is Wakasa-sensei?

A: Blunt, aren't we? (laughs)

Q79: Where was Wataru Takagi born?

A: Where would it be good? (laughs)

Q80: When did Takagi-keiji first fall in love?

A: Well, I dunno but feels like he got rejected a lot (laughs)

Q81: What would happen if you let Kazumi-senpai and Kyougoku-san fight? lol

A: Sorry, but I think Kyogoku-san would win (laughs)

Q82: Do you have plans for a new love story at the Police HQ?

A: Hehehe (laughs)

Q83: Kansuke Yamato said "your bad coffee" when talking about Yui's coffee but... Did he mean she's bad at cooking?

A: Kansuke was just being sarcastic, I think that her coffee is delicious (laughs)

Q84: How will Chiba-keiji and Naeko Miike's relationship grow?

A: Hehe, I wonder? (laughs)

Q85: When are Takagi-keiji and Miwako Satou going to get married?

A: I wonder (laughs). If they married one of them would have to leave the force, though (laughs)

Q86: Are you going to draw stories about Yusaku's high-school days?

A: Ahahahahah ! (laughs)

Q87: Where did Matsumoto of the Police HQ go? Was he demoted and Kuroda took his place?

A: No, he was promoted I think. (laughs)

Q88: When will Makoto Kyougoku's sister make her appearance?

A: S-sorry, I had forgotten about her (laughs)

Q89: Will the true faces of Atsuhi and Elena ever appear in the future?

A: I wonder if they will?

Q90: What is Shiho Miyano's favorite chemical element?

A: Ag, I guess (laughs)

(T.N: Ag is silver, "Gin" in Japanese).

Q91: Did Atsushi Miyano and Elena fall in love at the company they worked at (when they were in the BO)?

A: Maybe they'd married before that.

Q92: What are the odds that Haibara-san and Genta-kun become a nice couple in the future?

A: Do you really want that to happen? (laughs)

Q93: When did Haibara begin to call Ayumi-chan "Ayumi-chan"?

A: Do you want her to call Ayumi like that? (laughs)

Q94: Haibara-chan is likeable, so let's all like her, this is not a question, but an affirmation.

A: Please like her.

Q95: Please tell me Kazuha-chan's birthdate!

A: I still haven't decided yet, but cancer looks like it's compatible with lion, so... (laughs)

Q96: Please draw Kazuha-chan with something other than her ponytail! I'm hoping to see her with a side tail.

A: I'll try to draw her that way if I feel like it (laughs)

Q97: Please tell me which which food Kazuha-chan cooks the best!

A: Tamago pulpy mixed rice guel (ojiya), I think. (laughs)

Q98: How old is James Black?

A: How old does he look?

Q99: The BO Boss is said to be very careful, but do they properly check the backgrounds of those members who get hired to work for them?

A: I think they do (laughs)

Q100: It wouldn't be possible for Director Tsugawa to be the BO Boss, would it?

A: He's already been caught, you see (laughs)

Q101: In their two last apparitions, the Black Organization used helicopters, and Conan managed to shot them down. I think that they shouldn't use helicopters anymore!

A: Huh? That being your opinion? (laughs)

Q102: I too want to join the Black Organization. Are there interviews or exams?

A: Stop it. (laughs)

Q103: Has Korn ever experienced a Ferris wheel?

A: He hasn't so maybe he wanted to try it out? (laughs)

Q104: Why did Vodka join the BO?

A: I wonder why? (laughs)

Q105: Of all the alcohols that serve as codenames in the Organization, which one do you prefer drinking?

A: I don't drink.

Q106: When will the Gifu prefecture appear? We would like to have police officers as cool as those in Nagano!

A: Isn't "Kimi no na ha?" set in Gifu? Then everything's fine! (laughs)

Q107: Is there some good rice shop that you'd want to reccomend?

A: I'm eating mutton and vegetables a lot. (laughs)

Q108: It would be too shocking for Conan to end during exam period, and feels like I'd be unable to study so please continue it another 3 years.

A: Huh? That being your wish?

Q109: Are there any episodes or cuts in the Conan manga in which you later thought "oh no" and regretted it?

A: I wrote "head patrol officer" in Takagi's police notebook when it should be "police sergeant" (laughs)

Q110: Which characters are easy to draw, and which ones are hard to draw?

A: Male characters are easy, but women on the other hand... Eri, Yukiko and Mary are bothersome princesses. (laughs)

Q111: Make characters who know kendou appear, please!

A: I just did! (laughs)

Q112: Why did Sharon (Vermouth) burn down Jodie's house?

A: She wanted to destroy evidence.

Q113: Isn't Rum in Iroha Sushi?

A: Who knows. (laughs)

Q114: Gin and Mary both have the same apothegm about "demons in darkness". Are they linked?

A: Who knows. (laughs)

Q115: In the anime, Scotch's VA is "Gundam W"'s Hikaru Midorikawa. Is this foreshadowing?

A: I've chosen this VA myself ♩

Q116: Aoyama-sensei, how do you do to stay awake when you're tired?

A: I wash my face, put some cold on my forehead along with a band, and after that, I take some Oronamin C. And I sleep 30 minutes.

Q117: Aoyama-sensei, how is your physical condition? Are you not worried about it?

A: I'm nooot ♩
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