Nhận dạy kèm khóa học lập trình Java Core từ Cơ Bản đến Nâng Cao

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Học viên sẽ nắm chắc kiến thức cũng như kinh nghiệm khi làm lập trình phát triển phần mềm ứng dụng với ngôn ngữ Java của Sun Microsystems.

I. Các bộ công cụ sử dụng phát triển dự án

- Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise 2008
- Visual SVN Server
- Tortoise SVN
- Eclipse
- Jdeveloper
- Jasper Reports Studio
- SVN integrad eClipse
- Exe4J Tools
II. Phân Tích thiết kế với MicroSoft SQL Server
1. Overviews and Install for Database SQL Server

- Installing and configuration SQL Server Management Studio,…
- DataFile & LogFile
- Creating and configuration management database (Services & Remote Connections).
2. Securing Database and Managing permissions in SQL Server
- Managing logins, Users, Roles
- Managing permissions
- Data Control Language and Security Issues
- Implementing Security through Database Objects,…
3. Defining Tables , Database Diagramming and Entity Relationships Model
- Creating and management Entity: Table, Views,..
- Working with Database Diagramming and Entity Relationships Model (ER Relationship, Normal Form – 1NF, 2NF, 3NF,…)
4. SQL Query with T-SQL languages
- Working with T-SQL languages (Create, Alter, Constraints, Insert, Update, Delete, Like, Join Data, With, Ranks,…)
III. Lập trình phát triển dự án phần mềm Java Core
Overviews and configuration tools for developer
- Installing and configs tools for development.
- Overviews Java
- Describer and the used working for tools it
- Overviews VSS configuration tools.
2. Structure Programming with Java language
- Working with Conditional branching statements (If..Else, Switch ..Case).
- Working with Iteration statements (For, While, Do..While, ForEarch,...).
3. Objects Oriented Programming with Java language
- Overview to Object Oriented ProgrammingWorking with Classes and Objects (Access modifiers, method arguments).
- Working with overloading and override method.
- Working with Constructors method and Encapsulating data with properties,…
- Working with Inheristance, Polymorphism and Abstract Classes.
- Working with Interfaces (Accessing interface methods, Overriding interface implementations, Explicit interface,…).
4. Arrays and Collections
- Describer the Array, Generics
- Describer the Regular Expressions, Annotations
- Working with Arrays, Indexers and Collections (Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, List, Jagged Arrays ,Indexers, Hashtable, Collection,Generic,…).
5. XML, Json and Files
- Working with XML Files (Creating, Reading and Update XML Files).
- Working with Json files.
- Java I/O stream and Networking programming.
- File Serialization(read, wite an object to file)
- File Compression(compress, decompress file from a ZIP file)
6. GUI Components
- Building GUI application with JFC/Swing
7. Working with JDBC Providers
- Working with JDBC Providers:
· Overviews JDBC
· Accessing Databases with JDBC (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle,…)
- Working with ResultSet and CallableStatement for executed query database.
8. Working with Jasper Report
- Working with Jasper Reports (creating,fill data into iReports,…)
9. Packaging and Deploying Applications
- Working with Packaging and Deploying Applications.
10.Throwing and Catching Exceptions
- Working with Throwing and Catching Exceptions.
Mọi thông tin liên hệ: Phạm Minh Quân – Quanpm
SĐT : 0964 225 785
Mail: quanpm0980@gmail.com
Tốt nghiệp ĐH Công Nghệ – ĐHQG Hà Nội với hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm phát triển và quản lí các dự án C#.NET - ASP.NET MVC Portals - ADF-J2EE WebPortals-Hibernate, Struts, Spring, MVC - Mobiles Apps - Oracle Portals với các vị trí PL,PM ở 1 Tập Đoàn Phần Mềm tại Hà Nội.
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