You are good at english and you want to be excellent?
You want to talk english as an International language?
You want to improve your english skill with native people?
And more........?
Come with EAT Club to explore more opportunities to speak english better and better.
Time: 2h30 PM - 5h00 PM on Saturday, Dec 22th.
Venue: 7th floor, Bizu Hotel, 183 De Tham street, district 1, HCMC.
Please confirm your attendance by leaving your full name and handphone to below email add before 12h Dec 23th because of limited space. First come, first served!
Contact: EAT Club Team
Notice: EAT Club is free for all members!
Please like our page to be updated at : Facebook click there
You want to talk english as an International language?
You want to improve your english skill with native people?
And more........?
Come with EAT Club to explore more opportunities to speak english better and better.
Time: 2h30 PM - 5h00 PM on Saturday, Dec 22th.
Venue: 7th floor, Bizu Hotel, 183 De Tham street, district 1, HCMC.
Please confirm your attendance by leaving your full name and handphone to below email add before 12h Dec 23th because of limited space. First come, first served!
Contact: EAT Club Team
Notice: EAT Club is free for all members!
Please like our page to be updated at : Facebook click there
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