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Tường nhà Bài viết Giới thiệu

  • Chapter 1 One Winged Butterfly

    Himejima Gyomei was originally a tender man.
    He raised children with no parents in a rundown temple and lived a poor but happy life. Every day, he would work his hardest in order to feed the children and he would not eat anything himself.
    Never mind about hitting other people, he never even harshly scolded those children.
    Himejima Gyomei was that kind of ordinary man who was delicate, foolish and far too kind.

    That’s right……

    Until….that nightmarish night—


    Using his Nichirin blade which came in the form of a hand axe and steel ball linked together with chains, he sliced the demon’s neck and split the neck and demon’s skull apart.
    When Himejima rushed over to the scene, the room had become a sea of blood.
    The puddle of blood under bodies of the killed man and woman have mixed with the demon’s blood and gave off a choking smell.
    Behind the body of the demon which was slowly disintegrating were two young girls.
    The girl who did not look that old herself was protecting the younger girl desperately.
    The two girls gave off the same aura, they should be sisters. They were trembling and crying non-stop.

    The two girls’ hearts must be filled with “fear”.

    Logically speaking, shortly after being rescued, the grief of losing their parents should rush in like a wave.
    Right after that, they would realised their beloved people were killed and hatred would grow within them.
    However, the hearts of these two young girls were just filled with utter terror. After encountering this lifeform of an unknown origin known as a demon, fear would have an overwhelming place within them.

    (Perhaps in their eyes, I am also a monster……)

    Just like Sayo did.

    He lost a lot before and then he risked his life to protect that girl. However when other adults rushed over, she was so terrified that she shook and sobbed in front of them, saying:

    –That person is a monster, that person killed everyone.

    Never mind about the officers who rushed over, even the person involved, Himejima, did not know that “that person” who Sayo was talking about was actually a demon.
    Himejima always believed that at that time, the girl was so scared that she became confused and somehow her memory became warped and thought that he was the monster. He will never forget the words that were said as well as that voice that was full of terror.

    Children are extremely fragile……and cruel.
    This thought controlled Himejima until this day.


    “This is Himejima Gyomei-sama’s house, right?”

    HImejima originally thought that he would never see those girls who were safely sent to their relatives’ home ever again.
    So he did not even ask for their names.
    Honestly speaking, he never wanted to have anything to do with children anymore.
    Furthermore, it’s been half a month since that incident, why are they looking for me now? Himejima could not help but be suspicious.
    “Excuse us for taking the liberty of inviting ourselves here.”
    The older girl bowed deeply.
    “My name is Kochou Kanae and this is my younger sister, Shinobu.”
    After the older sister introduced herself, he could feel the younger girl also lower her head stiffly.
    “How did you know of this place…….?”
    “A member of the Kakushi told us. Himejima-sama, you lent a helping hand and defeated the foul demon, yet we did not offer our thanks properly and I’m deeply apologetic about that. You have my utmost gratitude for saving us—especially for saving my younger sister.
    The girl’s tone was gentle and her voice was extremely sweet and beautiful yet it was crystal clear. After listening to her, Himejima could not help but think of a flower blooming in the snow.
    “Thank you for saving my older sister.”
    After the older sister finished speaking, the younger sister followed suit and gave her thanks.
    The younger sister was still of a tender age and she seemed to have a strong temperament.
    “The funeral rites for our father and mother have been settled and there was almost no damage to their bodies so they have been laid to rest properly……………all this is thanks to you, Himejima-sama. We really thank you very much.”
    The words of the sisters—showed their sincere thoughts. Thoughts regarding the grief they felt for their parents, their gratitude towards Himejima as well as their love for each other were transmitted over to him properly.
    (Did they come here just to say this……?)
    The trauma within their hearts have not even healed—
    Himejima could not help but be moved but the pair of strong girls.
    Mitsuri stretched her arm out and caught the bamboo sword on reflex.

    Shinobu asked:

    “Can you spar a round with me?”

    The stern expression on her face did not change.

    Even though it can be considered a request, Mitsuri did not even need to answer as Shinobu had already raised her bamboo sword and pointed it towards her.

    “Eh…..?What? Eh? Shinobu?”

    Misturi could not grasp the situation and she was at a loss of what to do. However, without making a sound, Shinobu had moved forwards and closed the distance between them in an instant and knocked the bamboo sword out of Mitsuri’s hand.

    The bamboo sword struck the ground and a dull noise echoed throughout the dojo.

    “Just now—”

    Shinobu shot a sharp gaze at Mitsuri who remained rooted to the ground in surprise.

    “I did not even use half of my usual ability. Kanroji-san, no matter how careless you were, you should have been able to dodge that easily.”


    Shinobu’s tone was extremely harsh , as though she was reprimanding Mitsuri, making her distressed.

    “Seems like you aren’t even able to use your Breaths with ease.”

    “Thi, this….about that….”

    As Shinobu’s words exactly reflected the truth of the situation, Mitsuri became even more depressed.

    Shinobu let out an almost unobservable sigh, put down her bamboo sword and icily assessed Mitsuri.

    “The colour of your skin isn’t too good, your cheeks are sunken as well. I suppose you didn’t take in enough nutrients that your muscles need, correct?”


    “As a swordsperson, I’m definitely not amazing but Kanroji-san, you’re different. You have natural flair for the sword, flexible muscles and a body that is naturally powerful. You also have an overly honest personality, all these make you an excellent swordsperson.”

    Mitsuri fell silent.

    Shinobu then said in a tone that carried no emotion:

    “Kanroji-san, why are you making yourself weaker.”

    Mitsuri’s heart suddenly started to beat violently.

    She nervously looked at Shinobu, Shinobu also looked directly at her.

    The sound of swallowing saliva seemed to come from someone else.

    If she wanted to say it, the only chance was now.


    (No….I can’t do it….I can’t say it.)

    If she told the truth, it would make Shinobu remember the sad and tragic incidents, it would hurt her instead—no, that’s incorrect. It was just because I lack the courage. She was just pretending that it was for Shinobu’s sake, it was actually for her own. I’m scared that if I confessed everything, Shinobu, whom I liked the most would hate me. I’m afraid of destroying the close relationship that we have, I’m even more afraid of losing my close friend.

    Mitsuri lowered her head, avoiding Shinobu’s gaze and she grabbed her non-dominant hand with her trembling dominant one.

    (What do I do….I have to think of another reason.)

    Just as she thought that, a voice rang in her ear.

    –You were awesome!!


    Mitsuri suddenly raised her head.

    At that time, she was just a newbie who just started out, however, that youth said she was cooler than anyone else.

    When she defeated that demon and saved that youth and his mother, she was breathed a sigh of relief and from the bottom of her heart, she was glad that they were both alive.

    She felt that she finally found a place aside from her family where she belonged.

    “Thank you.”

    The one who wants to give thanks is me.

    (No……I can’t lie.)

    If she did that, she would not be able to stay here anymore.

    And it would become even more impossible to face Shinobu in future.

    (I have to say it. I have to….talk about my feelings properly.)

    Mitsuri closed her eyes tightly then she stared straight at her comrade’s eyes.

    “—Shinobu, I.”

    Just spitting out those few words made her mouth feel as dry as the desert. Mitsuri also knew that her own voice became even higher without realising it.

    “I……heard about what happened to you….A member of the Kakushi told me.”

    Just as Mitsuri was shrinking herself smaller and smaller, Iguro suddenly stood up.

    “Where?” “Yaa.”

    Mitsuri straightened her shoulders on reflex.

    “Where’s that trash?”


    “I’m talking about that piece of trash who injured Kanroji’s rosy cheeks.”

    “Eh……Ah, about that…..”

    Actually I already defeated it, however Iguro interrupted Mitsuri who was about to open her mouth to explain and he growled in a low voice that was full of grudge: “That piece of trash deserves to die a thousand times over, I’m going to tear that bastard to pieces now.”

    Seeing that Iguro looked like he was going to rush out of the store anytime, Mitsuri hurriedly stopped him.

    “Wa, wait, Iguro-san! He’s not around anymore. Um, I decapitated him already, so……”

    Image courtesy of ultra-violet-heart (Tumblr)

    Iguro finally came back to his senses. He, who was a short individual, quelled his killing aura and sat back in front of Mitsuri and then placed a hand against his own forehead saying: “Sorry.”

    Iguro mumbled softly, he was so embarrassed that he just wanted to hide somewhere—

    “The rage got to my head.”


    (So he wasn’t angry at me?)
    On the contrary, he was very concerned about her.

    A warm feeling rose up from her heart.

    Now that she thought about it carefully, since she entered the corps, Iguro was very nice to Mitsuri and took care of her in various kinds of ways.

    “—Kanroji.” He spoke in an awkward manner:

    “Are you troubled by something?”


    “If it’s alright with you, please talk to me about it.”


    “I want to help you.”


    Experiencing Iguro’s sincere tone and his serious gaze, her heart almost started beating furiously again—however, at that moment, Shinobu’s figure appeared in her mind.

    “…….!!No!” “Kanroji?”

    Iguro raised his head with a blank look at Mitsuri who stood up suddenly. No matter what, Mitsuri was unable to look at him straight in the eyes.

    “I, I , I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do………! Sorry, I’ll make a move first.”

    After barely forcing that sentence out, Mitsuri pushed the fee for her food into the boss’s hand and ran out of the store, looking extremely distressed.

    (I’m sorry, Iguro-san! I really am sorry!)

    He even took the initiative to show his concern for her.
    And even said that he wanted to help.

    (But if this went on, I’ll be moved by Iguro-san……)

    Discussion aside, she was just going onto a path of failure, she could not depend on Iguro like she usually did.

    Mitsuri left the restaurant like she was fleeing.

    When she came to a more open area, Mitsuri could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

    (I have to find a way to deal with this, I can’t keep relying on Iguro-san.)

    Mitsuri forcefully hit her cheeks with both her hands.

    However, the fog that enveloped her mind still did not dissipate.

    A few days passed—
    và súp miso.

    Mặc dù có vẻ như thế này là quá nhiều để ăn vào sáng sớm, nhưng đây là mười phần trăm lượng thức ăn thường ngày của Mitsuri.

    Trong thời gian ngắn, trà đã được dọn ra bàn.

    Mitsuri nhấp một ngụm trà, cảm thấy mất tập trung, rồi cô lại thở dài

    Sau sự việc đó, Mitsuri tuyệt vọng cố gắng kiềm chế những suy nghĩ phù phiếm mà cô có về người khác.

    Nói một cách đơn giản, cô ấy đang phong tỏa tình cảm của mình với người khác. Mặc dù ban đầu cô tham gia vào quân đoàn để có thể tìm được một người chồng sẽ bên mình trọn đời. Nhưng để điều chỉnh những suy nghĩ kinh khủng đó, cô ấy nghiêm khắc ngăn bản thân cảm thấy xúc động và nghiêm túc thực hiện nhiệm vụ của mình.

    Nhưng số phận dường như đang trêu đùa cô và Mitsuri liên tục gặp những sự cố khiến cô cảm động vô cùng.

    (Tại sao… .không phải trong khoảng thời gian này.)
    Thời điểm tồi tệ đến mức khiến cô muốn khóc.

    Cuộc họp Trụ Cột diễn ra trước đó là tồi tệ nhất.

    Khi cô ấy tình cờ trốn mưa với Viêm TRụ - Rengoku Kyoujurou, anh ấy đã tháo haori của mình và đưa cho cô ấy nói: “Em sẽ bị cảm lạnh! Mặc vào !! ”. Sau đó, cô chứng kiến Nham Trụ- Himejima Gyomei bất ngờ thể hiện khía cạnh đáng yêu của mình khi anh ấy đang bế một con mèo nhỏ và nói: “Namo. Kitty, em thật dễ thương …… ”. Sau đó, cô tình cờ gặp được Phong Trụ - Shinagawa Sanemi khi anh đang lén lút cho con chó con bị bỏ rơi và chứng kiến nét mặt của Thuy Trụ - Tomioka Giyuu khi anh giật mình tỉnh giấc khi ngủ trưa dọc hành lang. Sau đó, Uzui nắm lấy cô khi cô loạng choạng và suýt ngã, nói: “Cẩn thận. Đừng rơi vào cách vô lễ như vậy. " Iguro thậm chí còn rủ cô đến một cửa hàng mì Udon mới mở với anh ta.

    Mỗi lần như vậy, Mitsuri không thể không cảm thấy xúc động… .chỉ cần kìm lại cảm xúc đang leo thang của cô ấy đã là mệt mỏi rồi.

    Kết quả là—

    “Mitsuri, có chuyện gì làm phiền em không? Nếu bạn không phiền, bạn có muốn nói chuyện với tôi về điều đó không? "

    (Ngay cả Oyakata-sama cũng lo lắng cho tôi …… Và khi tôi quay lại, Muichirou đang gọi cho tôi nhưng tôi thực sự đã tự ý chạy đi.)

    Kinh khủng.

    Và cô ấy thậm chí còn lo lắng hơn khi đứng trước Shinobu mà cô ấy thậm chí không thể nhìn cô ấy.

    (Tôi đang làm gì vậy.)

    Cuối cùng, cô thậm chí còn bị thương bởi một con quỷ thậm chí không phải là một trong Thập Nhị Quỷ nguyệt

    Misturi chùng vai xuống, cảm thấy chán nản và nhấp từng ngụm nhỏ Ten-don do cô phục vụ đưa cho.

    (Nó thực sự ổn như thế này?)

    Ngay khi ý nghĩ này vô tình lướt qua đầu cô, tempura tuột khỏi đũa và rơi vào bát.

    Bát vẫn còn đầy hơn hai phần ba cơm trắng.

    Cô thực sự đói nhưng không có cảm giác thèm ăn và bất cứ thứ gì cô ăn đều có vị nhạt nhẽo và nhàm chán.

    Kể từ lần cô mai mối đầu tiên trong đời, tình huống như vậy không bao giờ xảy ra nữa.

    “Vóc dáng của Kanroji-san không khác gì những người bình thường nhưng khối lượng cơ của bạn gấp tám lần của họ, có nghĩa là mật độ cơ của bạn cực kỳ cao.”

    Người nói với Mitsuri điều này là Shinobu.

    “Vì vậy, bạn phải ăn nhiều hơn. Những người có nhiều cơ có tỷ lệ trao đổi chất cơ bản cao. Hãy ăn ít nhất gấp tám lần lượng người bình thường ”.

    “Nhưng… đối với một cô gái ăn nhiều như vậy…. Điều đó không kinh tởm sao? Người khác có ghét tôi không? ”

    “Kanroji-san, nếu ai đó ngăn cản bạn nhận được dinh dưỡng cần thiết, bạn không cần phải ép mình ở bên họ. Khi bạn gặp phải một người như vậy, chỉ cần làm điều này. ”

    Shinobu vẫy tay trong không khí với nụ cười dễ thương trên khuôn mặt.


    “Shinobu, bạn thực sự là….”

    Nụ cười và lời nói của Shinobu đã mang lại cho cô một niềm an ủi không thể đo đếm được.

    Vài ngày sau khi nói chuyện với Shinobu, Mitsuri và Iguro đi ăn cùng nhau và cô ấy lo lắng gọi món mình muốn. Iguro có cảm giác thèm ăn nhỏ nhất trong số các Trụ cột và thường ăn một lượng nhỏ thức ăn và trà. Tuy nhiên, anh không chê Mitsuri ăn quá nhiều mà thậm chí còn gọi đồ ăn cho cô ăn.

    Lần trước, Mitsuri không dám mặc bộ đồng phục hở hang như vậy nhưng cô ấy đã không thể đốt đồng phục trước mặt người thợ may giống như Shinobu. Lúc đó, Iguro chỉ lặng lẽ và thản nhiên chuyền cho cô một đôi tất sọc mà không hề có ý định thể hiện lòng tốt.

    “Kanroji, vậy rốt cuộc thì bạn cũng ở đây.”

    Mitsuri giật mình khi nghe thấy một giọng nói quen thuộc. Cô ngẩng đầu lên để nhìn và người trước mặt cô là Iguro, người mà cô đang nghĩ đến và điều này khiến cô bối rối trong giây lát.

    “i, Iguro-san ?! Tại sao bạn ở đây?!"

    "Tôi có vài điều muốn nói với bạn."

    Sau khi ngồi trước Mitsuri như thể đó là điều đương nhiên phải làm, không hiểu sao Iguro bắt đầu cau mày.

    “Kanroji, chuyện gì đã xảy ra ……”

    "Hở?" Bất giác, Mitsuri nhìn xuống chiếc bát bên cạnh. "Tôi có làm đổ cơm không?"

    Hay khuôn mặt ăn uống của tôi là một cảnh đáng xấu hổ? Hoặc có thể là có cơm dính ở khóe miệng của tôi ……[/ISPOILER]

    Nguồn :
    Cái này là gg dịch trans đấy =))
    Cốc cốc, cho tớ làm quen với :))
    Tự nhiên ai cũng muốn đổi tên hết vậy :( hừm, sang năm tớ cũng sẽ đổi :v cơ mà, vẫn chưa biết nên đổi tên gì :))
    Taij cái tên nhìn wibu quá nên đổi :)))
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