xmong mn giúp đỡ em ạ


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Student has to deal with problems aout score and examination, the mature must confront with many issues about financial. It is true that college student is combination both student and mature’s problems. As a result, they are under a lot of pressure, so how can we tackle this phenomenon? To assist college student overcomes stresses and becomes better.

One of the effective sollutions is taking up playing an instrument.according to some researches,musical training can change brain structure and functionfor the better. Simulataneously, decreasing the levels os stress hormones.

Another solution that can convert stress out of their brain is participating in some clubs at school and the extracurriculums actively. Joining possitively helps them has no time for negative thinkings, moreover they can also make friends with a lot of people, and gradually becoming an optimistist.

Ultimately, it is a fact that nearly eighty percentages college student’s pressure come from financial problems for living expense. Especially, on the final of month due to using money unreasonably, so the most imperative sollution for this phenomenon is control themselves from buying immensely, just should have purchased something that really necessary. They will redress the balance and relieving stresses.

To sum up, to cope with issues that stress caused for college student. All they can do is learning to play an instrument, becoming a member of some clubs that they concerned, and using money suitably.
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