Thành viên thân thiết
Thành viên thân thiết
Tham gia
Bài viết


In Vietnam, beer is big business.

Young people fill large, newly built beer halls for drinks after a long day. Foreigners are launching small businesses and making their own beer in the country. Foreign companies from Heineken to Sapporo hope the Vietnamese market will drive their sales growth. At the same time, some investors are looking for the chance to buy Sabeco, Vietnam’s top beer producer.

Beer seems to be popular nationwide, but the government is getting worried. Now government officials are considering ways to restrict advertising for beer.

The Ministry of Health has proposed a measure that would limit ads for beer, which it fears could soon become a threat to public health. The rules would ban roadside signs for beer, ads in films, on shows with children, and on social media.

Vietnam already bans ads for hard alcohol. But in countries that ban ads for beer and drinks known as spirits (rượu mạnh), drinking is 11 percent lower than in countries that mainly focus on hard alcohol. That information comes from Tran Thi Trang, deputy director of the Ministry of Health’s legislation department.

"Every year, the alcohol companies spend trillions of dong on advertising and marketing,” she was reported as saying. She added that beer manufacturers would not spend so much money if the ads truly failed to bring people to their products. Her comments appeared on the government’s news website.

Excited about beer

It is because of the fact the Vietnamese have developed a new love of beer that the Health Ministry proposed the restrictions on advertising.

In Vietnam, alcohol-related enjoyment is very old – from people who made their own rice wine to the American soldiers who loved 33 Beer, a locally made product, during the Vietnam War.

But today is different, as Vietnamese citizens in peace time have the growing wealth and freedom to drink beer into the early morning. Beer often costs less than a bottle of water.

Policymakers worry that as the drinking culture increases, so will Vietnam’s rates of alcohol-related health problems and drunk driving. The World Health Organization says the country already has a large number of cases of hepatitis B, the main cause of liver cancer.

Industry’s objections

“Beer and alcohol production play an important role in the development of the economy and society, noted Nguyen Van Viet, chairman of the Vietnam Beer, Alcohol, and Beverage Association.

Yet the WHO estimates that damage linked to alcoholic drinks can cost a country anywhere from 1.3-12 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). GDP is a measure of all the goods and services produced in a country over a 12-month period.

Officials aim to balance those costs with the benefits of beer to the economy, investment, and trade. Even Australia credits its beer-related exports whenever officials speak of improved trade with Vietnam, where it has become the biggest supplier of wheat and other products required to make beer.

Regan Leggett is the executive director for thought leadership at Nielsen, which released a report in March on discretionary spending in Vietnam and four other countries. He said beer and treats are not just fun, but represent the way the local economy is growing.

Beer is big business, and some Vietnamese are concerned new restrictions could affect the number of visitors. Trang, however, is not worried.

"If visitors come to Vietnam just because their country controls alcohol use, and Vietnam does not,” then Vietnam needs to rewrite its policies because drinking is an international practice.



Nearly every culture honors women by celebrating Mothers' Day. The date of the observance varies by country, but most, including the United States, have chosen to celebrate mothers on the second Sunday in May, which this year falls on May 8th.


Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day
Here's a gift I'll give to you on this Mothers Day.

I'll clean my room,
I'll make my bed,
I'll put my toys away.
I'll be good just for you on this mother's day.

Mothers are crucial to the physical, social and economic health of their families, communities and nations. Their health before, during and after childbirth is critical to the health and well-being of the child, and to the long-term security and economic stability of their families, nations and the global community.

DONALD TRUMP – the 45th President of the United States of America

"My fellow Americans,

This Sunday is one of the most important days of the year -- Mother's Day. It's a special opportunity to thank all of the mothers and grandmothers in our lives.”

"Since the earliest days of our republic, America's strength has come from the love and courage and devotion of our mothers. They helped us gain our independence through their grit (can trường), determination, and incredible spirit. They pioneered the west and settled the frontier.”

"During World War Two America's mothers helped build the greatest arsenal for democracy. My mother was a great person. Her name was Mary McLeod. She came from Scotland and she met my father when she was very young. They were married for many many years.”

“I learned so much from my mother. She was just incredible, warm, loving, really smart, could be tough, if she had to be. But basically she was a really nice person. So much of what I've done and so much of what I've become is because of my mother. I miss her a lot. So I say this to you as I think about my mother -- Happy Mother's Day and God bless the United States of America."


Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day
Here's a gift I'll give to you on this Mothers Day.
I'll clean my room,
I'll make my bed,
I'll put my toys away.
I'll be good just for you on this mother's day.

Yet becoming a mother can be a dangerous and life threatening undertaking. "Every year," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a recent conference, "nearly 360,000 women worldwide don’t survive childbirth. Four million babies die during childbirth or within a few weeks. Most of these deaths can be prevented:"

HILLARY CLINTON - Secretary of State

"Improving the health and status of women and girls acts as a positive multiplier because when women succeed, they lift themselves, they lift their families and their communities along with them. According to a recent analysis published in The Lancet, half the reduction in child mortality over the past 40 years can be directly attributed to better education for women. If a woman knows better how to care for her child, she will demand more and receive more, enabling her to do so."

PHIL COLLINS - Song: You'll Be In My Heart - Movie: Tarzan

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart

That is why women and children are at the heart of U.S. foreign policy. That is why this year, just in time for Mothers' Day, we are introducing the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action, or MAMA, said Secretary Clinton. "Women in developing countries, some of the women most at risk for pregnancy-related problems, will be able to use their cell phones to get health information via text messages or voicemails, and the information can be customized for the stage of pregnancy or the age of their children. Over the next three years, this $10 million partnership will be piloted in three countries – Bangladesh, South Africa, and India – and if it is successful, as we expect it to be, we will expand it," she said.

The MAMA Program is a public-private partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development and Johnson&Johnson, with support from the United Nations Foundation, mHealth Alliance and BabyCenter LLC. The partnership was developed in collaboration with the White House Office of Science and Technology and the Department of State.

The MAMA Program is an example of how the United States is leveraging partnerships with the private sector to improve the lives of women in developing countries.


Before I start today, I would like to wish a very happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers present here.
Dear mothers, you are the sweetest gift that we have ever received from God.

My mother is an ordinary person, ordinary in every sense of words, but behind this ordinary show, there’s a fortitude, perseverance, and kindness.

Who I am today, what I will become tomorrow, how my life spends out, everything that I think, do, and be…almost all of it comes from my mother.

So what is it that makes up a great mother? Is it her tenderness, her selflessness, or her loving generosity?

A proverb says that the hands that rock the cradle will rule the nation and its destiny. I am not here to discuss the depth of that proverb; instead, I would like to ask you a simple question. Who is getting more pleasure out of the rocking of the cradle? Is it the mother, or is it the child?

To me, it is the mother because it’s her heart that rocks the cradle. It is she who sleeps when the baby sleeps. It is she who smiles when the baby smiles. And, it is she who cries when the baby cries. That is true the mother we love. No other love can be substituted for that.

“God couldn’t reach everywhere, so He created mothers.” We must understand that is more than just saying, “Mom, I love you.” Instead, we should celebrate everyday like today because mothers deserve it. Thank you all, and a very happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers gathered here. Thank you! Thank you very much.

Composed & Edited by Lê Quốc An
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