What is the best way to get my IQ checked online?


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Formal IQ tests (those deemed to be valid measures by gifted education programs and high-IQ societies such as Mensa) must conform to extensive standards related to content, administration, scoring, and production of a predictable pattern of results. Standardized tests which meet these requirements, such as the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS) and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SBIS), must be administered and scored by a qualified person (typically a licensed psychologist) in order for the results to be considered valid. Test materials can only be purchased by persons with appropriate credentials to administer and score the test.

Many psychologists offer psychological testing as a service, but the cost is typically several hundred dollars, as a standardized IQ test can take anywhere from 3-6+ hours to administer and score. Your results will typically include not only a standardized IQ score, but a detailed analysis of your performance on the various sub-sections of the test.

If you are interested in getting a general idea of how you might score on a formal IQ test, American Mensa (us.mensa.org) offers admissions testing at locations across the United States for the comparatively low cost of $40. The testing process is comprised of two separate tests, the Mensa Wonderlic and the Mensa Admissions Test. You will not receive any results other than your scores; however, these tests are highly predictive of performance on standardized IQ tests, and Mensa's website provides a table for converting admissions test scores into approximate IQ scores.

Tab: free accurate iq test online, iq test online for adults
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