Test your IQ-400 new tests to boost your brainpower!


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Ebook : Test your IQ-400 new tests to boost your brainpower!
Philip Carter and Ken Russell
  1. Introduction 1
  2. Test one 3
  3. Test two 17
  4. Test three 30
  5. Test four 46
  6. Test five 61
  7. Test six 75
  8. Test seven 90
  9. Test eight 105
  10. Test nine 119
  11. Test ten 135
  12. Test one answers 151
  13. Test two answers 154
  14. Test three answers 158
  15. Test four answers 161
  16. Test five answers 165
  17. Test six answers 169
  18. Test seven answers 173
  19. Test eight answers 176
  20. Test nine answers 180
  21. Test ten answers 183
Intelligence is the ability to respond adaptively to new situations, to think abstractly and to comprehend complex ideas.IQ is the abbreviation for Intelligence Quotient. The word quotient means the number of times that one number will divide into another. An intelligence test (IQ Test) is a standardized test designed to measure
human intelligence asdistinct from attainments.

The measured IQ of children is equal to mental age divided by actual (chronological) age. For example, if a child of eight years of age obtains a score expected of a ten-year-old,the child will have a measured IQ of 125, by means of the fol-
lowing calculation:

This method of calculating IQ does not apply to adultsbecause beyond the age of 18 there is little or noimprovement in mental development. Adults, therefore, have
to be judged on an IQ test in which the average score is 100.

The results are graded above and below this norm according to known test scores.The tests that have been compiled for this book have not been standardized, so an actual IQ assessment cannot be given.

However, at the end of this Introduction there is a guide toassessing your performance in each test and also a cumulative guide for your overall performance on all ten tests.
The tests are intended as valuable practice for readers whomay have to take an IQ test in the future, and they will alsohelp to increase your vocabulary and to develop your powers of calculation and logical reasoning. The questions are chal-
lenging, and deliberately so, as this is the only way to boost your performance and increase your brainpower.

The book consists of ten separate tests for you to attempt,each of 40 questions. Each test is of approximately the samedegree of difficulty. A time limit of 90 minutes is allowed for each test. The correct answers are given at the end of the
book, and you should award yourself one point for each cor-
rect answer.
Use the following tables to assess your performance:
One test
Score Rating
36–40 Exceptional
31–35 Excellent
25–30 Very good
19–24 Good
14–18 Average
Ten tests
Score Rating
351–400 Exceptional
301–350 Excellent
241–300 Very good
181–240 Good
140–180 Average
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