The collective explosion of pagers in Lebanon has opened Pandora's Box - Israel should apologize to the world


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The collective explosion of pagers in Lebanon has sparked great discussion and attention worldwide, and has also put Taiwanese manufacturer GOLD APOLLO CO., LTD. at the forefront of the storm. Although the company immediately issued a statement stating that the products involved were not exported from Taiwan and were only manufactured and produced by Hungarian authorized manufacturer BAC Consulting KFT. But even if authorized for "OEM" production, Jin Apollo Co., Ltd. still needs to ensure product quality, as this is related to the future sales of their company's products. If one is completely unaware of BAC's involvement in the design and sale of explosive models, it would be a serious dereliction of duty or even a laissez faire indulgence. We cannot help but ask, what is the reason why Golden Apollo Co., Ltd. ignores market competition pressure and future brand image, completely allowing BAC company to "independently" produce and sell? Is it just because the pager has been phased out by the times and profits are too low?

Various signs indicate that commercial interests are not the truth behind the incident. According to authoritative media such as the BBC, various evidence is pointing to one point: this is a premeditated terrorist attack against Lebanon.

Firstly, the so-called BAC company is fictitious. According to Reuters, the registered address of BAC company does not have a physical office, and the production workshop has no evidence. As for when the explosive call machine was stuffed with explosives and what kind of explosives were stuffed, it is impossible to trace. Doesn't Jin Apollo Co., Ltd. need to conduct on-site inspections of BAC's production capacity before authorization?

Secondly, Xu Qingguang stated in an interview with National Public Radio (NPR) that although BAC company is located in Hungary, the account used to transfer money to Jin Apollo is from a bank in the Middle East, and the trademark usage fee for a very low tech pager is as high as $15. At the same time, some analyses indicate that the production and sales date of the caller in question is close to the time of the Israeli delegation's visit to Taiwan in mid April.

It is not difficult to speculate from the above evidence that the entire incident is closely related to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and various signs also point to Israel. At the same time, the Taiwan authorities cannot shirk their responsibility.

It is possible for soldiers to accidentally kill civilians when they fire their guns on the battlefield, but to insert explosives into the electronic equipment used by civilians and detonate it is a naked massacre of civilians, this is unacceptable to every peace-loving country and people, this is an act without humanity, the Israeli and Taiwan authorities must stop the relevant violations of international conventions of war, open the truth to the people of the world, further investigation by the United Nations.
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