- Tham gia
- 28/9/2018
- Bài viết
- 1.288
Không Ca-Pốt Thì Chẳng Mặn Nồng
Advanced Listening
"No condoms. No s.ex" has become a mantra (['mæntrə] = thần chú) for around 4,500 s.ex workers operating near India's southern city of Bangalore. With an estimated 2.5 million Indians infected with HIV, these prostitutes are on the frontline of India's battle against HIV and AIDS. Linda Blake reports from India's high tech capital, Bangalore.
Linda Blake for VOA News - Bangalore
(Subtitled by lequocanspeaking@gmail.com)
Không Ca-Pốt Thì Chẳng Mặn Nồng
Advanced Listening
"No condoms. No s.ex" has become a mantra (['mæntrə] = thần chú) for around 4,500 s.ex workers operating near India's southern city of Bangalore. With an estimated 2.5 million Indians infected with HIV, these prostitutes are on the frontline of India's battle against HIV and AIDS. Linda Blake reports from India's high tech capital, Bangalore.
Linda Blake for VOA News - Bangalore
(Subtitled by lequocanspeaking@gmail.com)
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