Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT-Advanced [BOOK (TRANSCRIPTS) + AUDIO]


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Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT-Advanced [BOOK (TRANSCRIPTS) + AUDIO]
Compass Publishing | 2006 | MP3 (10?D) + PDF | 336 MB


These CDs (10 discs) accompany the Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT Student Book. The recordings include over 120 sample conversations and lectures, as well as over 40 sample responses for speaking tasks. CDs 1 to 6 cover the exercises and review tasks from the listening section; CDs 7 and 8 include therecordings and sample responses from the integrated speaking section; CD 9 contains recordings necessary for the integrated writing section; and CD 10 contains the recordings for the listening, speaking and writing sections of the practice test

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bộ 3 cấp độ, mỗi cấp 4 quyển ko bác?
e làm hết quyển intermediate rồi nên hỏi tí :KSV@09:
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