Corrupt Officials Trafficking Babies from Poor Families/Quan Tham Buôn Bán Bé Thơ từ Gia Đình Nghèo


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Corrupt Officials Trafficking Babies from Poor Families
Quan Tham Buôn Bán Bé Thơ từ Gia Đình Nghèo Khó

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Melissa Chan

Government officials are being accused of stealing infants from villagers in alarming reports of a baby trafficking racket in Southern China.
Officials have allegedly shown up to people's houses demanding enormous sums of money from families if they violate China's one-child policy.
The huge sums specifically target poor people, as China's wealthy population are more able to afford the large sums demanded for violating the policy.
After being taken, the babies are sold to foreign adoption agencies, allegedly in the United States and Europe.
The abductions are clearly illegal, as Chinese law does not allow children to be taken when the policy is violated.
But the story has finally made national headlines and an investigation is under way. Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan reports from Hunan Province, China.
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(Subtitled by Le Quoc An’s Listening Class)
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