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Bài viết
Workshop: Green Marketing
Time: 6h30-8h30 pm, Thursday 14/6/2012
Place: Smartlink English Center, No 3, Lane 196 Thai Thinh
(Note: Leave your vehicle at Viettin Bank 196 Thai Thinh)


Part 1: Warm-up game (15 minutes)
Bingo Game- Who is the greenest?
Part 2: Free talk (30 minutes)
+) How do you understand: Green Products; Green Marketing (Environmental Marketing or Ecological Marketing)?
+) Give examples of green products you know
+) Give examples of companies which did launch and have launched Green Marketing for their products
+) Why has Green Marketing been chosen by most Marketers these days?
+) What kind of consumers are you? And Why?
1. Blue Greens (Act against environment pollution; Avoid using products damaging the environment)
2. Greenback Greens (Favorably buy green products)
3. Sprouts (Think that environmental reasons are just on theory; Not buy green products if they have to pay more)
4. Grousers (Not educated about environment and think green products are costly)
5. Basic Browns (Totally don’t care about environmental and social issues)
Part 3: Presentation (35 minutes)
Part 4: Group work (40 minutes)
Your company is going to launch a product using Green Marketing Strategy
Suggestion: The use of Marketing Mix of Green Marketing (sometimes called Green Marketing Mix)
1. Green Product (environment friendly)
2. Green Price (based on green products strategy)
3. Green Place (the system of transporting, packaging, wholesalers, retailers, etc)
4. Green Promotion (tools of promotion: advertising, marketing materials, signage, white papers, web sites, videos and presentations by keeping people, planet and profits in mind)
Register here (for new members only):
Please show up 10 minutes earlier to do the check in
Thanks and best regards,
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Galec 2 English Club
Address: Smartlink English Center, No 3, Lane 196 Thai Thinh
Email: Yahoo: Galec2_club
Contact: Ms Loan 0973374532 (No SMS)
Venue sponsor: Smartlink English Center (
Do tình hình thời tiết mưa to tối thứ 5, ngày 14/6 vừa qua nên clb nghỉ sinh hoạt. Vì vậy, workshop với chủ đề Green Marketing sẽ được chuyển sang buổi sinh hoạt clb thứ 5, ngày 21/6. Mong các bạn thông cảm và hẹn gặp các bạn thứ 5 này:x
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