Clb tieng anh galec-workshop: GOSSIP

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Workshop: Gossip
Time: 6h30-8h30 pm, Thursday 7/6/2012
Place: Smartlink English Center, No 3, Lane 196 Thai Thinh
(Note: Leave your vehicle at Viettin Bank 196 Thai Thinh)


Part 1: Warm-up game: Gossiping (15 minutes)
In this small game, members will be divided into 2 groups. Each will stands in 1 row. People in a row will “spread the word” from the last one to the first one of the line. Each person is to add 1 more detail (may be true, may be false detail) to the information that he/she got.
Through this game, people will understand the way a piece of gossip works..
Part 2: Free talk (30 minutes)
1. Do you think that a friend who gossips or starts rumors will ever gossip or start a rumor about you? Do you like to gossip?
2. Have you ever had problems because of gossip? Or have you ever told a rumor that got someone in trouble?
3. How would you try to resolve the problem, if you had got into trouble through gossiping?
4. What would you do if someone gossips about you?
5. Would you say that people who like gossiping do it because their lives are empty or because it is just a way of entertainment?
Part 3: Presentation (35 minutes)
Part 4: Group work (40 minutes)
1. Bright side of rumors and gossip? Do you think gossip can be used for something good?
2. If you discovered that someone had been gossiping about you, would you confront them?
3. What are the most common themes for gossip?
Register here (for new members only):
Please show up 10 minutes earlier to do the check in

Galec 2 English Club
Address: Smartlink English Center, No 3, Lane 196 Thai Thinh
Email: Yahoo: Galec2_club
Contact: Ms Loan 0973374532 (No SMS)
Venue sponsor: Smartlink English Center (

Thanks and best regards,
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