Adam, if u sexy come and show me: Where are u now when I need u. U know that must have called a thousand time to tell u I love u. Focus on me TT
My heart is stereo, it's beat for u so listen close. See, it's u, it's u, it's all for u, everything I do. I need a little love and little sympathy.
I only call u when it's half past five and u used to call me on my cell phone. I need somebody to lean on and baby I'll worth it.
1' điên loạn xin đc kết thúc.
Ảnh hưởng của bản mashup 50 shades of pop và thi IOE chục vòng liên tiếp.
Tìm LaCoir trong bệnh viên tâm thần.
Xin hết.
p/s: vỡi, wifi mạnh kinh