The Most Miserable Place in China 4 Lovers / Đón Chào đến Chốn Khổ Nhất ở Trung Quốc cho Kẻ Tìm Tình


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Welcome to The Most Miserable Place in China for Lovers
Đón Chào đến Chốn Khổ Nhất ở Trung Quốc cho Kẻ Tìm Tình

Advanced Level

Melissa Chan

The Chinese government says its so-called "one-child policy" has succeeded in reining in its population.

But more than three decades after the policy's implementation, China is dealing with some challenging consequences.

In a country where families often value sons over daughters and $20 can get you an illegal gender ultrasound test, there is a massive gender imbalance.

Combined with the country's economic development, this has left an entire generation of men unable to find wives.

Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan reports from Hainan in the country's south, women, it appears, are nowhere to be found.

(Subtitled by Le Quoc An’s Listening Class)
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