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  • My friend, how's been going? Seems good for you right?
    Well, today I want to ask you a question: What would you do, if your dearest love falling in love foolishly with a bastard? Would you pull her out? Would you be able to watch her being fucked every time that fucking dick-headed wants?
    That sounds insane, right?
    That drives me crazy too.
    ... Why didn't I ask her to end up with him?
    As I told you, she's a fool. She's a prisoner. She's inside the cage she created. She has no clue what people would do to get what they want. As a man, he wants nothing but getting under her pants. She's a loyalty dog with the leash made of the fear of being alone.
    You know what, I asked her but she's still hesitating. Until she knows how to break the cage, cut the leash... Other than that, she will suffer from being used by people who knows her weakness.
    How pathetic, my friend.
    She cannot swing around with the person she wants to be happy with and the person she's sticking with. I don't wanna spend my life with people who could not get thing straight, especially in love. Sadly, she's that kind of person...
    Stop asking me silly questions, my friend, I have no idea what decision our princess made!
    ... You're interested in our princess more than the prince? Of course you will. Here, let me tell you one more thing about her: She's not the stereotype of princess you could see around in your fairy tales: sitting in a castle, dreaming about Prince Charming will rescue her someday. She has her own dragons too. She fights them, wins some, loses some.
    Yeah she was having a bad time too. Some knights tried to help her, and she's happy with that.
    Why didn't our prince help her? He wished he would, but he couldn't. One day he told me: "How could I blame her? She's been on her own for too long"
    My friend, do you like stories?
    Well, the story I wanna tell you is not "happy after ever" as you like. Here we have a prince, who has the inner strength from whom he loved, was fighting with the dragons, hoping that someday he will meet his princess and they will have the same story to tell their kids. But things were not going as he planned, and the princess was as confused, so she made a decision...
    You want to know her decision? Well, I don't know. Neither the prince nor the princess won't tell me. They just want to move on with their lives.
    Sorry my friend, the story has not ended yet. Yeah I know I'm the worst storyteller in the world. And this is the worst fairy tale ever.
    Will they meet again you asked?
    I'm not sure. The prince told me he wanted to meet her desperately. But after I asked him "Then what?", he just remained silence. And the princess is as complicated as always, what she says may not what she thinks.
    Well, you're right, they're the most messed up couple I've ever seen, my friend. Next time tell me your story!
    My friend, could you hear that? Please be quiet, so I could hear her breaths...
    You may ask when did the last time I look at her when she's sleeping?
    I've been half-hearted for a million of reasons I could use to avoid listening to her, caring about her. But when I realized something's wrong and tried to fix, my friend, it's too late.
    Yeah, you're right, I have to suck on that.
    I know she's been a rough day. Look at her face, her nose, her lips, I wonder what she's dreaming right now. I can tell. Once she told me about the way she "controlled" her dreams. At that moment, I felt sympathy for what she stuck with everyday. That made my heart broken too...
    I'd love to have her being small in my arm like this. What? No, I don't know what she will become when she wakes up, my friend. She might fly away, be successful, love somebody else. But right now, she's a little girl that I swore to protect forever.
    She's going to wake up soon. I think we gotta go.
    Trong cùng 1 ngày 2 người phụ nữ mình yêu thương nhất nổi khùng với mình :-<
    Cách học hiệu quả nhất về 1 vấn đề nào đó là lăn vô làm với 1 chút kiến thức nền cộng với kỹ năng tìm kiếm, moi ra được giải pháp mì ăn liền cũng được, miễn sao có tác dụng.
    Sau đó tất nhiên là bị trục trặc, tiếp tục dùng google để tìm cách sửa chữa.
    Cho đến khi nắm được gần hết các yêu cầu cơ bản của vấn đề cộng với kiến thức đã vững hơn, căn bản hơn thì giải pháp mì ăn liền ban đầu cũng đã trở thành 1 nồi cháo heo, thì tiến lên bước đau đớn nhất: xóa hết và làm lại từ đầu theo đúng tiêu chuẩn.
    • Thích
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    Vào trang facebook cá nhân của mấy người bạn mình, thấy có vài đứa đi du học. Về VN miết hà, công nhận trong đám đi du học tự túc mình nghèo nhất :'(
    nhưng vẫn giàu nhất trong mấy đám đang bu bám ở VN vẫn đang cố gắng tìm được đi du học và thèm chảy nước miếng ;))
    Is it ethical to in such deep love with a woman who I considered to be my wife for my whole life, but I still have passion with something, or someone who can fulfill my soul?
    My woman, she was suffered from many many things around her, I couldn't force he to be whoever I want. It's her imperfection, and I love that.
    Thơ V.Kirshon

    Tôi hỏi cây tần bì, người tôi yêu ở đâu
    Tần bì chỉ lắc đầu không đáp
    Tôi hỏi cây phong, người tôi yêu ở đâu
    Phong trút xuống lá mùa thu vàng rực

    Tôi hỏi mùa thu, người tôi yêu ở đâu
    Mùa thu đáp bằng cơn mưa tầm tã
    Tôi hỏi mưa, người tôi yêu ở đâu
    Mưa rả rích khóc bên ngoài cửa sổ

    Tôi hỏi trăng người tôi yêu ở đâu
    Trăng lặng lẽ núp mình sau mây tối
    Tôi hỏi mây, người tôi yêu ở đâu
    Mây tan ra giữa trời xanh vời vợi,

    Ơi bạn thân, bạn duy nhất của tôi,
    Nói tôi nghe, nàng trốn đâu mất vậy
    Bạn yêu ơi, hãy chỉ giùm tôi với.
    Người tôi yêu bây giờ ở nơi đâu

    Bạn của tôi, người trung tín của tôi
    Bạn đáp lời, những lời chân thật nhất
    Rằng: “Bạn ơi, người bạn yêu thuở trước;
    Người của bạn thuở trước, bạn ơi
    Người của bạn, người thương yêu của bạn.
    Người ấy bây giờ là vợ tôi”
    Weep not for roads untraveled
    Weep not for paths left lone
    Cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end
    Its the worst kind of pain I've known
    Driving in the empty road on Saturday's night makes me feel the way much more longer. I want to drive, drive, and drive forever. I wish my life had some color, but who will draw for me a colorful painting when I need it the most?
    I remember that night, parked my car, turned it off, lie down, everything was so quiet. And then, this song was played, I feel so empty, so true. Kept staring in the sky, my mind was cleared.That time was the first time ever, I wanted to let everything go away. No family, no job, no love...
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