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    A Rise in COVID-19 Cases after Lunar New Year / Ca Nhiễm COVID-19 Tăng Mạnh sau Tết Nguyên Đán

    A Rise in COVID-19 Cases after Lunar New Year Ca Nhiễm COVID-19 Tăng Mạnh sau Tết Nguyên Đán Intermediate Level https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/940085390204900/ Bryan Lynn The Associated Press reported this story. Bryan Lynn adapted the report for Learning English...

    Drug Use Deaths Increase Sharply Among ... / Tử Vong vì Lạm Dụng Thuốc Tăng Mạnh nơi Người Mỹ Da Den

    Drug Use Deaths Increase Sharply Among Black Americans Tử Vong vì Lạm Dụng Thuốc Tăng Mạnh nơi Người Mỹ Da Den Intermediate Level https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/234875921809499/ Anna Matteo Dan Novack Claire Galofaro reported this story for the Associated Press. Anna Matteo...
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