S. Korea Donates Rice, Money to Feed Hungry in N. Korea
Nam Hàn Tặng Tiền Hiến Gạo Cứu Đói Bắc Hàn
Avanced Level
Lisa Schlein
South Korea has made a large donation of rice and money to its northern neighbor to provide essential...
South Korea Limits Google, Apple’s Control Over App Sales
Nam Hàn Giới Hạn Tầm Kiểm Soát Bán Ứng Dụng của Google/Apple
Intermediate Level
Alice Bryant.
The Associated Press reported this story.
Alice Bryant adapted it for...
South Korea Bars Fast Exercise Music
Nam Hàn Cấm Nhạc Thể Dục Nhịp Nhanh
Intermediate Level
Gregory Stachel.
Daewoung Kim and Dogyun Kim reported this story for Reuters.
Gregory Stachel adapted it for Learning English.
South Korea's Suicide Rate On the Rise
Tỷ Lệ Tự Sát ở Nam Hàn Trên Đà Gia Tăng
(Advanced Listening)
Jason Strother
In just a few decades, South Korea transformed itself from an impoverished country devastated by war into the...