le quoc an’s listening class)


    A Less Festive Xmas Season / Mùa Giáng Sinh Buồn

    A Less Festive Xmas Season Mùa Giáng Sinh Buồn Bryan Lynn Caty Weaver The Associated Press reported this story. Caty Weaver adapted it for Learning English. Mario Ritter, Jr. was the editor. (Subtitled by Le Quoc An’s Listening Class)

    Black Friday during The Coronavirus Pandemic / Thứ Sáu Đen Tối Thời Đại Dịch

    Black Friday during The Coronavirus Pandemic Thứ Sáu Đen Tối Thời Đại Dịch Basic Listening https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/446141846545438/ Susan Shand The Associated Press reported this story. Susan Shand adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor...

    Singles' Day 1111 Lễ Độc Thân 1111 Quang Côn Lễ

    Singles' Day 1111 Lễ Độc Thân 1111 Quang Côn Lễ Advanced Listening https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/437239957435627/ 25 Billion Dollars. That’s how much Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, made in just 24 hours on November 11, 2017. It's all thanks to a new holiday called...

    Software Piracy in Asia Expands (Advanced Listening) Sao Chép Lậu Phần Mềm Tràn Lan ở Châu Á

    SOFTWARE PIRACY IN ASIA EXPANDS Sao Chép Lậu Phần Mềm Tràn Lan ở Châu Á Advanced Listening https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/419011972591759/ Despite some gains in fighting copyright infringement in many countries, brazen piracy remains visible in Asia. Producer Pros Laput visits...

    Father's Day Expressions (Basic Listening) Thành Ngữ về Ngày Của Cha

    FATHER'S DAY EXPRESSIONS Thành Ngữ Về Ngày Của Cha Basic Listening https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/329882448171379 Anna Matteo Anna Matteo wrote this story for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor. Audio Quote of President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Bay of Pigs...
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