Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 (32+64-bit) + Key


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Build 3114

New C++, JavaScript and Rust syntax definitions with improved accuracy and performance
Many other syntax highlighting improvements
OSX: Improved rendering performance, especially on high resolution screens
Improved word wrap behavior
Improved spell check behavior
Improved file indexing behavior with multiple windows open
Themes may now be switched on the fly without artifacts
HTML: Pressing enter when between a tag pair will increase indentation
Some snippets have have been moved into a sub-directories, so custom overrides and key bindings that reference them will need to be updated
show_scope_name command shows the scope in a popup
Package Development: Added 'Syntax Tests - Regex Compatibility' build variant for evaluating syntax definition performance
Package Development: Expanded the set of regexes the new regex engine is able to handle
Syntax Definitions: Fixed some cases where pop matches with back references weren't working correctly
Fixed some Unicode handling issues in Goto Anything
Fixed a scenario where changes to .tmPreferences files weren't being picked up
Fixed a 3096 rendering performance regression
Fixed a 3096 regression in regular expressions when using \x{nnnn} escapes
Fixed a crash that could occur with an invalid result_file_regex settings
API: Added window.status_message
API: Changes to how plugins are loaded. This should be transparent, but resolves a number of corner cases
API: Updated to Python 3.3.6, and now includes the _ssl module on Linux, plus sqlite3 and bz2 on all platforms
API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2h

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