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In our lives, everyone has some things that are easier to remember and some that are easier to forget. But there is one memory that I will never forget.In the afternoon on Sunday, Ngân induced me to play volleyball, and then I went to the volleyball yard to play it with other members of the yard. However, many of the friends in our class were studying groups. I was a little reluctant because I had not completed my homework, but I was so excited about this type of game that I could not refuse them. We had a great time playing football. After that, I came back to my home at 7 p.m. My body was completely dirty. After that, I quickly took a shower and ate dinner. At 8 p.m, I went out to the coffee shop with Ngan, and dropped by a friend's house to watch one of my favorite action movies, and I went back home at 10 p.m. After that, I went back to finishing my homework. I did, however, fall asleep as soon as I looked at the book. I tried to pull my socks up to complete the homework, but I was so tired that I couldn’t concentrate on the lesson. So, I decided to go to bed. The next day, I went to school late and felt worried about the teacher who would call my name to check the lesson because it happened. When stepping onto the podium, I was asked by the teacher about the essay knowledge that I had learned. Nonetheless, I can't recall any of the details in the books and got a zero mark. All of my classmates who laugh at me At the time, I felt really sheepish, and then I returned to your seat. Until now. I would never forget the moment that made me so embarrassed. This taught me a valuable lesson.
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