What is Software Reporter Tool?

Software Reporter Tool is a standalone process of Google Chrome. This is the part of the Chrome Cleanup Tool that monitors your Chrome installation and reports if any additional components interfere with the normal operation of this web browser. This tool is not connected to the network but is mainly used by browsers to identify programs that may be causing conflicts with it.
It’s a 54KB executable called software-reporter-tool.exe. You can search for the Software Reporter Tool by following the following path:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\VERSION\software_reporter_tool.exe.
Unless you intentionally search for the Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool, you may be completely unaware of its existence. The Chrome Software Reporting Tool runs once a week and reports the scan results to Chrome. Strictly speaking, this tool scans the system to check for unnecessary software applications that can adversely affect Chrome’s browsing experience.
This tool will scan the system for unwanted software applications that may affect Chrome’s browsing experience during the scanning process. In addition, the tool also reports Chrome when there are issues such as unwanted ads or when the website crashes. Based on this report, Chrome will prompt the user to run the Chrome Cleanup tool during the scan.
Learn more: https://ticswipe.com/disable-google-chrome-software-reporter-tool