[Epsilon Mobile] Full-time Junior Business Analyst

Epsilon Mobile

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JOB TITLE: Full-time Junior Business Analyst
LOCATION: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
DEADLINE: November 2nd, 2014

Who are we?

Epsilon Mobile is seeking exceptional individuals with a passion for business and technology to join our Ho Chi Minh City office. Headquartered in Singapore and working with some of the most demanded companies in region, we share a passion for helping our customer to achieve significant impact using our technologies and solutions to transform business models, and create competitive advantage. Through a combination of technology-related and general consulting engagements, our team grows to become counselor fluent in mobile industry, one of the most important strategic levers of today and tomorrow.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for someone who will have responsibility to:
- Define the project mission, goals, tasks and resource requirements and allocation.
- Ability to manage projects from the brainstorm to completion based on the platforms of web/ Android/ iOS.
- Research existing IT systems in the marketplace and recommend viable IT solutions.
- Responsible of the business requirement and the implementation on web and iOS/ Android/ Windows Phone devices.

You need to be:
- Strong analytical thinking skills.
- Detail-oriented and works with a high degree of accuracy.
- A good understanding of current technology trends, or having passion to learn about technology, especially mobile technology.
- Ability to work effectively under pressure, react quickly, and meet tight and changing deadlines.
- Good level of communication. Both written and verbal.
- Good English skill, capable of direct communication in English.
- Well-organized, flexible, highly motivated, persistent and patient.
- Good team player. We don’t need a star who can only work on his own.
- Quick learner. Eager to learn and to grow.

What will you get when joining us?
- Work in a dynamic, creative environment with international exposure.
- Regular training and experiences sharing for skill development to value talent.
- Bonuses based on performance.
- Interesting activities to participate in both inside and outside the office.

How to apply?

Please shoot an email to hr@epsilon-mobile, but please be sure that your email need to satisfy the following requirement:

Email subject need to follow the format: [CV][BA][Junior] <Additional message you want us to read>
For example:
This subject will pass: [CV][BA][Junior] Apply for the junior business analyst position at Epsilon Mobile
This subject will fail: Apply for BA
Your email need to include:
- Your CV
- Your cover letter
- Your self-assessment sheet. Please download the template here, complete it, then attach it together with your CV and cover letter.

Q1: Will this BA position involve much about finance?

A: No, this position will involve more about business process, business model, software. Not much about finance. You will define features for our software system, software application, ...

Q2: How big is Epsilon?
A: As big as we (Epsiloners) can imagine in term efficient, knowledge, capacity. But not big in size. We are a small and efficient team. We are having less than 10 people in our team.

Q3: What should I prepare when I passed the screening test, and was invited to join the interview?
A: Prepare questions to ask us about the job, the company, or anything that you need to understand more about us. We’re looking for teammates, not employee. Hence we also want to give each candidate a chance to understand more about us. Feel free to ask any (non-trivial of course) question.
Business Analyst and Market Research field
What they do all day?
Coke or Pepsi? Android or iPhone? Chevy or Toyota? You know what you like. It's the job of market research analysts to find out why. From direct surveys to dissecting buckets of data, they track what consumers want -- and what it would take to change their minds.

How to get the job? A head for numbers with a background in statistics, computer science and economics are essential to being more, um, marketable, as it were. The ability to distill those numbers into useful reports is a must.

What makes it great? An analyst is a key member of the team that develops great new products. The position runs across all industries that need research. And it's got the second-highest growth rate of all the jobs on our list.

What's the catch? Analysts who don't need glasses yet, will soon enough. They spend hours poring over facts, figures and numbers. It's a detail-driven field that operates under tight deadlines and has potential for long hours.
The benefits of part-time work for a student

With a growing number of students moonlighting to support their studies perhaps you can be convinced to tear yourself away from the quill and parchment and get a part-time job. A part-time job whilst at university can have a positive impact on your life:

1. Money
need we say more? The extra cash from part-time work let’s you cover the cost of living more comfortably, sometimes even leaving a little aside for a spot of fun.
2. Budgeting – students who earn their own money tend to spend it wisely. Part-time jobs are often tough, and hard-earned money can be painful to part with. In short, students are more likely to save their money for necessities such as text books and rent.
3. Time Management – students with jobs have little free time. This predisposes them to become more organised and better planners, learning to weigh their priorities in order to meet deadlines. Effective time management benefits both your studies and life after university.
4. You will have less time to while away the hoursthe combination of studying and a job rather handily means there’s little time to get bored.
5. Use your part-time job to get an introduction to a career or area of interest you hope to go into after university. The experience will help you stand out from the crowd at interview; you can begin networking with others in your chosen field. Forming professional relationships at this early stage will help your chances of gaining employment after graduation.
6. Transferable skills a part-time job can provide you with a skill set much in demand by graduate employers:

- A common complaint from employers is of a lack of commercial awareness in graduates. As well as the time management skills already mentioned, you’ll be exposed to working in a commercial environment – an experience which will help you stand out from the crowd.
- Teamwork – you’ll likely have to work as part of a team, equipping you with the skills needed to work with people of varying personality. This will help you work on group projects at university, as well as being of great benefit through life in general.
- Initiative – in the workplace things will go wrong. How will you react to the unexpected? Keep a note of problems solved and disasters averted – these sorts of stories are priceless when it comes to interviews and suclike.
- All of the above, combined with the initiative you’ve shown in working whilst studying, will show employers that you’re ambitious and have an excellent work ethic.
Don't hesitate. Apply now!!!
1. In essence, success doesn’t have to be about achieving a big milestone. That’s not to say that milestones such as new jobs and promotions aren’t important. They are.
But that meeting where you leveraged a new communication technique and earned a new stakeholder’s trust and created a happier conversation for both of you? That’s a success.
That pilot project you did using a new business analysis technique? That’s a success.
That contract job that in the best of worlds leads to a full-time opportunity, and in the worst of scenarios expands your business analysis experience? Success.
I can tell you what it looks like to me and when I see it in others, but only you will know what it looks like to you. My challenge to you is not to blow success up into something so big you never achieve it. Make it small. Celebrate now. And you’ll get to those big successes much, much sooner.
The only failure is absence of forward progress. Failure is not experimenting with the new technique because you might not get it right. Failure is not sending your resume because you might hear “No.” You are too special for that. Your life is too short to be doing less than fulfilling work. Your life is too short to wait until later to be fairly compensated.

2. We are a community of business analysts. We make change. We improve organizations. The world needs us to do what we do. The world needs your successes – the big and the small.
Anything you do to take one sliver of a step in a positive direction is success. Celebrate it.
To find your path to success, check out the How to Start a Business Analyst Career Roadmap – this is a no-strings-attached resource I’ve created for the business analysis community to help you track where you are along your career journey, and determine what you can do to move forward. I believe that we each can find a fulfilling career path that is financially rewarding, and I believe the Roadmap is going to help you take at least one forward step towards your BA career goals.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

The First Three Habits surround moving from dependence to independence (i.e., self-mastery):

1 - Be Proactive
Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.

2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.

3 - Put First Things First
A manager must manage his own person. Personally. And managers should implement activities that aim to reach the second habit. Covey says that rule two is the mental creation; rule three is the physical creation.


The next three habits talk about Interdependence (e.g. working with others):

4 - Think Win-Win
Genuine feelings for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way.

5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem solving.

6 - Synergize
Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone.

Continuous Improvements

The final habit is that of continuous improvement in both the personal and interpersonal spheres of influence.

7 - Sharpen the Saw
Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarily emphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditation, yoga, etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to society for spiritual renewal.
5 ways to manage time effectively
Effective time management can not only help one be more productive at work, but can also help one strike the right balance between personal commitments and family time. Discipline and cultivating the ability to prioritise work is key.

1. Prioritise Work

A day usually comes with unexpected curveballs that may not be that significant but eat up a majority of your time, says Rishi Bhatnagar, director — staffing at Sapient Global Markets. It is important to prioritise tasks in spite of those additional activities and to avoid getting distracted by unnecessary email conversations. "Focus on your to-dos," he says.

2. Alter Off-Work Habits

Subtle lifestyle changes like hitting bed early, a change in diet plans, exercising or meditation can help one focus better and can make one better at managing time for work as well as family, feels Anant Krishnan, a marketing manager.

3. Plan Milestones, not Tasks

Professionals should not think of work as a bunch of daily tasks or activities but as an initiative with a logical start and finish line with certain milestones, says Bhatnagar. "This way you will not have tick marked a list of tasks at the end of the day without working towards that milestone," he says

4. Make Time for Important Tasks

Elizabeth Grace Saunders, author of 'The 3 Secrets to Effective Time Investment: How to Achieve More Success With Less Stress', suggests allocating specific hours to certain tasks. One can then accordingly take out time from the less important activities if the important tasks take longer than expected.

5. Review and Reorder

Reviewing and taking stock of the week gone by can help one correct one's schedules or possible lapses. "Make time to review your day, week or month to assess whether or not something needs to change in order to be more effective," says Bhatnagar.
SUCCESS does not come to you, YOU go to it
Overcome distraction and procrastination.

All of this is useless if you can’t overcome the universal problems of distraction and procrastination. You might seize an opportunity because you’re good at uncertainty and discomfort, but then not make the most of it because you’re too busy on social media and watching TV.
Actually, distraction and procrastination are just ways of avoiding discomfort, so if you get good at discomfort you’re way ahead of most people. But there are some things you can practice — read more here.

Learn about your mind.
Most people don’t realize that fear controls them. They don’t notice when they run to distraction, or rationalize doing things they told themselves they would n’t do. It’s hard to change mental habits because you don’t always see what’s going on in your head.
Learn about how your mind works, and you’ll be much better at all of this. The best ways: meditation and blogging. With meditation (read how to do it) you watch your mind jumping around, running from discomfort, rationalizing. With blogging, you are forced to reflect on what you’ve been doing in life and what you’ve learned from it. It’s a great tool for self-growth, and I recommend it to every young person.

Make some money.
I don’t think money is that important, but making money is difficult. You have to make someone believe in you enough to hire you or buy your products/service, which means you have to figure out why you’re worthy of someone believing in you. You have to become worthy. And you have to learn to communicate that to people so they’ll want to buy or hire you. Whether you’re selling cookies door-to-door or an app in the Apple store or trying to get a job as a cashier, you have to do this.
And you get better with practice.
I worked as a clerk at a bank and then a freelance sports writer when I was in high school, and those were valuable experiences for me.
Protip: save an emergency fund, then start investing your earnings in an index fund and watch it grow over your lifetime.

Build something small.
Most people fritter their time away on things that don’t matter, like TV, video games, social media, reading news. A year of that and you have nothing to show for it. But if you did a sketch every day, or started writing web app, or created a blog or a video channel that you update regularly, or started building a cookie business … at the end of a year you’ll have something great. And some new skills. Something you can point to and say, “I built that.” Which most people can’t do.
Start small, and build it every day if possible. It’s like putting your money in investments: it grows in value over time.

Become trustworthy.
When someone hires a young person, the biggest fear is that the young person is not trustworthy. That they’ll come in late and lie about it and miss deadlines. Someone who has established a reputation over the years might be much more trusted, and more likely to be hired. Learn to be trustworthy by showing up on time, doing your best on every task, being honest, admitting mistakes but fixing them, trying your best to meet deadlines, being a good person.
If you do that, you’ll build a reputation and people will recommend you to others, which is the best way to get a job or investor.

Be ready for opportunities.
If you do all of the above, or at least most of it, you’ll be amazing. You’ll be way, way ahead of pretty much every other person your age. And opportunities will come your way, if you have your eyes open: job opportunities, a chance to build something with someone, an idea for a startup that you can build yourself, a new thing to learn and turn into a business, the chance to submit your new screenplay.
These opportunities might come along, and you have to be ready to seize them. Take risks — that’s one of the advantages of being young. And if none come along, create your own.
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