Tăng điểm IELTS với 30 Phrasal Verbs


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30 PHRASAL VERBS thường xuyên xuất hiện trong Ielts Speaking. Mỗi cụm phrasal verbs ngoài nghĩa đều có ví dụ kèm theo giúp bạn dễ học, các bạn ứng dụng vào bài thi Speaking của mình để nâng cao điểm nhé

Video 30 PHRASAL VERBS thường dùng trong IELST

Once in a blue moon
Rất hiếm khi, gần như không bao giờ
Once in a blue moon, we would skip school and hang out.

In no time
Rất nhanh, ngay lập tức
I was told that the result of the test would arrive in no time, so I sat there and waited.

For the time being
Trong thời gian này, bây giờ và trong thời gian tới
She is staying with her sister for the time being, she needs her family now more than ever.

Out of date
Cũ, lỗi mốt
Her fashion style is totally out of date, but she loves it that way.

Account for
Giải thích cho, chứng minh cho
I couldn't account for the disapperance of the ledge book.

Come up with
Nghĩ ra (ý tưởng)
She was the one who came up with the idea of recycling carton boxes.

On impulse
Ngẫu hứng, không theo kế hoạch
I did it on impulse, never thought much of it.

Put up with
Chịu đựng
I couldn't put up with her messy habits anymore.

From time to time
Thỉnh thoảng, không thường xuyên
I have dinner with her from time to time.

Make up for something/someone
Đền bù cho, bù vào
Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.

Dress up
Mặc đẹp
We all dressed up for the prom.

Deal with
Giải quyết
We didn't know exactly how to deal with the new problem.

Sympathize with
Đồng cảm với ai
She sympathizes with them because she knows how it's like to be poor.

Fill out = fill in
Điền vào
I was asked to fill out a form.

Put in for
Đòi hỏi
They never put in for anything excessive.

Bring up
Nuôi nấng, nuôi lớn
My mother brought me up to be a sympathetic and caring person.

Drop out of = leave
She dropped out of school at the age of 15.

Carry out
Thực hiện (kế hoạch)
She couldn't carry it out in her own, so she asked me for help.

Come up against something
Đối mặt với (vấn đề)
We came up against many difficulties during the project.

Look into something
Nghiên cứu, tìm hiểu
I tried to look into the reasons for her behaviors.

Count on = rely on
Tin tưởng vào, dựa vào
She is my best friend and I can always count on her.

Get along with someone
Có mối quan hệ tốt với ai đó
She was a bit shy at first but we got along very well.

Clean up
Dọn dẹp
I have to cook, wash clothes and clean up the house on my own.

Come across
Vô tình tìm thấy, nhìn thấy
Last week, I came across an old photo album as I was cleaning up the basement.

Find out
Phát hiện ra, tìm ra
I found out that the doctor was my father's friend back in college.

Cut down on = cut back on
Giảm, hạn chế
To avoid obesity, she had to cut down on sweets and fat.

Give up (V-ing)
Bỏ cuộc, ngừng làm việc gì đó
My dad promised me that he would give up smoking.

Drift apart
Dần dần mất liên lạc qua thời gian
We were childhood friends, but his family moved away and we drifted apart.

Check something out
Kiểm tra, xem xét
We had to check out the package before sending it.

Look after
Chăm sóc, trông nom
She hired a nanny to look after her children.
Hiện nay có nhiều phương pháp học tiếng Anh được giới thiệu trên thị trường. Mình cũng từng thử qua rất nhiều phương pháp, nhưng mình thấy một trong những phương pháp tự học mang tính rất nền tảng và logic đó là phương pháp 3 bước nói chuẩn tiếng Anh của bên trung tâm emas. Vô tình thấy cái tiêu đề nghe cũng shock vì tò mò nên tham dự thử, thấy quả thật đây là cái mình kiếm tìm bấy lâu nay. Bạn cứ đi thử xem thế nào
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