Ai biết bạn này nói gì hông?

Just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean that you're ugly, just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean that you're fat, doesn't mean you have a bad personality, doesn't mean that you're stink, it MIGHT mean that you have a loose vagina but probably not. It doesn't mean shit, it just means that you don't have a boyfriend and because the circumstances aren't right at the moment. I've been reading people statuses ... and i'm like "Wow bitch, bitch wow, why do you want a boyfriend so badly 'cause you spent all your time writing about it every minute" 'cause the people who write these blogs, they ... want to be as sexy as hell, they'd be the one that people want to date like "I've seen these poses, I read it, I go to their profiles, and they're looking gorgeus, how they're smart, they're friendly, they're nice, they're ... ", everything you would want in a partner except THEY GOT NO TIME FOR SELF-ESTEEM ! "Oh my God I've never had a boyfriend, it must mean i'm so ugly, that must mean I'm so fat, I've never been kissed, I just want to know what s.ex feels like", are you f**king me ? Are you f**king me ? Bitch, you are 14 !OH, @#$?, &%^ this bitch ! It's OK to want to have a special someone, but it's not OK to feel sorry for yourself or blame yourself just because you don't. It's like in your period, it happens at different times for different people, I can assure you that in your lifetime, you will have a boyfriend. You will have plenty of boyfriends, you may become a total slut and have a million boyfriends but I'm just saying that it's not the end of the world just because you don't. We are all ... this even I can be, I used to be like "Oh my God, if i had a boyfriend I would be so much more comfortable with myself, I would be so much more happier, I would be so much more outgoing" and then I got a boyfriend and like f**king nothing changes if anything ... all the time, and then I have to spend my money on him, the bitch is clingy, I don't do clingy. If you're happy with yourself already and you're relying on a boyfriend to make you feel happy, you are gonna feel as sad as hell and I can promise you that because if a boyfriend is the only reason while you're happy, you're gonna be devastated when he leaves you, you're gona feel as though the only thing that brought you happiness has left, and you're gonna be sad, I mean f**king tear, f**king depression, "no, mama I don't wanna eat because I'm fat" I mean it ain't gonna be pretty because the relationship goes bad, the relationship go bad, all this're not gonna have the self-esteem to recover from it. And you can try to get these people ... like "Girl, you're pretty, just wait for it, don't rush it, your total ... just gonna happen", don't just be like "No girl I don't know if this is ever gonna happen to me, I'm too ugly" and the thing is they're not even ... for complement, their self-esteem is actually that low and “I want to feel sorry for you, but if you’re already feeling sorry for yourself, why do I have to ?”. I just want to be like “F**king feel good about yourself, you’re awesome, you have a lot to offer ” I mean go to … , blog about your problems, let all the stress out, and then go and do something for yourself, do something outrageous, showcase yourself to the world, you can’t just wait for somebody to come into your house and say “Let’s have s.ex”-that’s rape. It’s so stressful seeing all these beautiful people … with so many interesting things about themselves with so much to showcase but they can’t feel good about themselves unless there is somebody standing next to them, and they can’t do anything on their own without somebody reinforced it’s like “Look at me, I thought my hair is freaking red, like I’m gonna stick out with a sore, bleeding vagina and … but do you think I care ? NO. And do you think if somebody tell my that it’s ugly do you think I care ? NO” because I should be like “F**k you, nobody ask for your opinion, nobody ask you to be born”. So just feel good about yourself, damn it. If you’re desperately dying for a boyfriend, calm your tits, you just wait. Blog about something good, blog about why you love yourself, blog about what’s great about being single, fantasize about your future boyfriend, just don’t feel sorry about yourself, OK ? Love you guys. Bye. Oh, and do you guys like my hair ? Yeah, it’s pretty bold, pretty bold but,uh , I like it.

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Người này nói (nguyên văn): "Tôi là người từ hành tinh Orioontambay vừa ghé qua thăm trái đất của các bạn, hãy nhìn tôi, kiểu tóc này chỉ hành tinh chúng tôi mới có, tác phong này chỉ tuổi trẻ trên Orioontambay mới có, điều đầu tiên tôi nhận thấy ở đây là có những kiểu tóc cố tình nhại lại của chúng tôi nhưng không đạt lắm !, có những tính cách cố tình nhại lại của chúng tôi - hành tinh Orioontambay, cách xa trái đất một tỷ tỷ lẻ tám trăm triệu năm ánh sáng - nhưng cũng chưa đạt lắm ! và còn nhiều nữa..."
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