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    UN Countries Agree ‘to End Plastic Pollution’ / Quốc Gia Thành Viên Đồng Thuận Chấm Dứt Ô Nhiễm Nhựa

    UN Countries Agree ‘to End Plastic Pollution’ Quốc Gia Thành Viên Đồng Thuận Chấm Dứt Ô Nhiễm Nhựa Intermediate Level https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/690462405496182/ Jonathan Evans Wanjohi Kabukuru reported on this story for the Associated Press. Jonathan Evans adapted this...

    China Exports Its Traditional Medicine to Africa / Trung Quốc Suất Thuốc Đông Y sang Châu Phi

    China Exports Its Traditional Medicine to Africa Trung Quốc Suất Thuốc Đông Y sang Châu Phi Intermediate Level https://www.facebook.com/le.quocan.146/videos/674654510222829/ Gregory Stachel Victoria Amunga reported this story for Voice of America. Gregory Stachel adapted it for VOA...
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