Gợi ý IELTS Speaking chủ đề Water Sports, Extreme Sports


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Xem bài giải của SIGMA Academy cho IELTS Speaking chủ đề “Water Sports”, “Extreme Sports”

Nếu chủ đề Sports rất hay gặp trong IELTS Speaking, thì chủ đề Water Sports (các môn thể thao dưới nước) thường xuất hiện trong Speaking Part 2 và chủ đề Extreme Sports (các môn thể thao nguy hiểm) đôi khi lại được hỏi trong IELTS Writing.
SIGMA nhận thấy rằng hầu hết các bạn thí sinh IELTS đều có thể dễ dàng trả lời các câu hỏi Speaking liên quan đến Sports, nhưng chủ đề Water Sports hay Extreme Sports thì lại khá khó khăn. Hãy cùng SIGMA ôn luyện thi IELTS với một số câu trả lời mẫu và vocabulary hay cho chủ đề này nhé!

  • Do you like water sports?
Not really… I’m not a sports person. I’ve never been athletic. I learnt swimming in my high school, but I was never really good at it. I don’t think I have a knack for sports in general.

Yeah, I am really into water sports. I am a sporty person. I have been athletic my entire life, and involved in some sort of sports like kayaking, scuba diving, and river rafting.

Lưu ý:
Trong IELTS Speaking, khi nói về chủ đề “water sports” (các môn thể thao dưới nước), nhiều bạn thí sinh có xu hướng nói về “swimming” (bơi lội). Điều này không hẳn là sai; tuy nhiên có một số lời khuyên rằng nếu bạn đề cập đến việc đi bơi như là “swimming up and down a swimming pool”, hoạt động này thường được xem là “exercise” (tập thể dục) hơn là “sport” (thể thao).
Nếu bạn bơi lội một cách chuyên nghiệp hơn, ví dụ “joining a swimming club” (tham gia câu lạc bộ bơi lội) hoặc “entering swimming races” (tham gia các cuộc đua bơi lội ở trường lớp,…) hoặc nếu bạn đề cập đến các cuộc thi bơi lội trong những giải đấu chuyên nghiệp như Sea Games hay Olympic Games, khi đó, “swimming” mới được xem là “a competitive water sport”.
Mặc dù đây không phải là một lỗi lớn, SIGMA khuyên bạn thay vì nói về “swimming”, hãy nói về những môn thể thao dưới nước khác như sau:
  • surfing / surfboard riding (lướt sóng/ lướt ván)
  • water skiing (trượt nước)
  • canoeing / kayaking (bơi thuyền)
  • scuba diving (lặn có bình khí)
  • snorkelling (lặn ống thở)
  • rafting / white-water rafting (chèo xuồng vượt thác).

water skiing

scuba diving


  • Describe a water sport that you would like to try in the future.
  • Describe a sport that you have watched others play and would like to try (or play) yourself.
  • Describe a/ an (extreme) sport that you would like to try for the first time.
You should say:
  • what sport it is
  • where you have seen it being played/ where you would like to try it
  • who was playing it/ how you would learn it
  • and explain why you would like to try it.
Cùng nghe audio gợi ý lời giải của SIGMA cho IELTS Speaking chủ đề Water Sports hay Extreme Sports (Part 2) dưới đây.

Audio Player

I guess it’s more of an extreme sport really. I’ve always been keen to try it, ever since I saw a programmer on television which showed people rafting on this huge river in South America somewhere, it looked amazing, but scary at the same time…
(Lessons for IELTS – Speaking)


Children and Sports
  • Do you think that children should start sports at a very early age?
I think so. Actually, sports should be a part of people’s lives and it is better for children to learn when they are young. Doing sports can help a child to grow up healthy, I think. The only thing is that they should not be involved in any dangerous things or take any risks.
  • Do you think it is good to teach swimming in schools?
  • Do you think children today do enough exercise?
  • Which do you think is better for children, individual sports or team sports?
Sports in Your Country
  • Can you describe the typical ways people in your country get involved in sports?
  • Why are sports very important to people?
  • What (water) sports are popular nowadays?
  • Have people’s attitudes towards sport changed at all over the past few decades?
  • Why do some people not like sport? / What are some people not very interested in sport?
Extreme Sports / Dangerous Sports
  • What kinds of people like to do extreme sports?
  • Do you think the government should restrict (or, ban) some of the extreme sports?
  • What are some ways people can protect themselves when they do dangerous sporting activities?
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