Cuộc chiến thành Troy - Những cảnh phim hay nhất


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A battle between the Greek armies of King Agamemnon of Mycenae and King Triopas of Thessaly is quickly averted when the great warrior Achilles, fighting for Agamemnon, easily defeats Boagrius, Triopas' champion, in single combat after Achilles was initially absent from the battle. Thessaly joins Agamemnon's loose alliance comprising all of the Greek kingdoms.

Prince Hector of Troy and his younger brother Paris negotiate peace with Menelaus, King of Sparta. However, Paris is having an affair with Menelaus' wife, Queen Helen, and smuggles her aboard their home-bound vessel, much to Hector's dismay. Upon learning of this, Menelaus meets with Agamemnon, his elder brother, and asks him to help destroy Troy and retrieve his wife. Agamemnon agrees, as conquering Troy will give him control of the Aegean Sea. Agamemnon has Odysseus, King of Ithaca, persuade Achilles to join them. Achilles, who strongly dislikes Agamemnon, eventually decides to go, after his mother Thetis tells him that even though he will die, he will be forever glorified.

In Troy, King Priam is dismayed when Hector and Paris introduce Helen, but welcomes her and decides to prepare for war. The Greeks eventually invade and take the Trojan beach, thanks largely to Achilles and his Myrmidons. Achilles has the temple of Apollo sacked and has a brief confrontation with Hector. He claims Briseis, a priestess and the cousin of Paris and Hector, as a prisoner afterward. However, Agamemnon spitefully takes Briseis from Achilles, and Achilles decides he will not further aid Agamemnon in the siege.

The next day, the Trojan and Greek armies meet outside the walls of Troy; during a parley, Paris offers to duel Menelaus personally for Helen's hand in exchange for the city being spared. Agamemnon, intending to take the city regardless of the outcome, accepts. Menelaus wounds Paris, causing him to cower at the foot of Hector. When Menelaus attempts to kill Paris despite his victory, he is killed by Hector. Agamemnon then leads an attack on the Trojan army which is outnumbered two to one. The armies collide violently with many falling on both sides. Hector spots and kills Ajax after a brief but fierce duel, and many Greek soldiers fall to the Trojan archers and infantrymen with Achilles and the Myrmidons watching the battle from a distance. On Odysseus' insistence, Agamemnon gives the order to fall back. After Ajax and Menelaus are cremated in the Greek camp, Agamemnon and Odysseus argue about why they lost the battle. Agamemnon gives Briseis to the Greek soldiers for their amusement, but Achilles saves her from them. Later that night, Briseis sneaks into Achilles' quarters to kill him; instead, she falls for him and they become lovers. Achilles then resolves to leave Troy, much to the dismay of Patroclus, his cousin and protégé.

Despite Hector's objections, Priam orders him to retake the Trojan beach by daybreak and force the Greeks to return home. The Trojans attack at night, shooting fire arrows in front of the Greek camp while rolling large hay balls towards the camp. The attack wakes the Greeks who assemble before the camp. Achilles rallies the Greeks and the Myrmidons charge the Trojan army along with the rest of the Greeks. Hector cuts down many Greeks and duels a man that he believes to be Achilles and kills him, only to discover that it was actually Patroclus. Distraught, both armies agree to stop fighting for the day. Achilles is informed of his cousin's death by Eudorus and vows revenge after striking him. Wary that Achilles will surely seek vengeance, Hector shows his wife Andromache a secret tunnel beneath Troy; should he die and the city falls, he instructs her to take their child and any survivors out of the city to Mount Ida.

The next day, Achilles arrives outside Troy and challenges Hector. Knowing death would await him, Hector says his goodbyes to his loved ones, including his wife and son. The two duel outside the gates and initially appear evenly matched, but Hector is slowly worn down until Achilles throws a spearhead into Hector's shoulder, before stabbing him in the heart with his sword. Achilles then drags his corpse back to the Trojan beach. Priam, in disguise, sneaks into the camp and implores Achilles to return Hector's body for a proper funeral. Ashamed of his actions, Achilles agrees and also states that Hector was the best that he had ever fought. He allows Briseis to return to Troy with Priam, promising a 12-day truce so that Hector's funeral rites may be held in peace. He then apologizes to Eudorus for hurting him and orders him to take their men back home without him.

Agamemnon declares that he will take Troy regardless of the cost. Concerned, Odysseus concocts a plan to infiltrate the city. After seeing a carving of a horse by a Greek soldier, he has the Greeks build a gigantic wooden horse as a peace offering and abandon the Trojan beach, hiding their ships in a nearby cove. Despite objections from Paris, who requests for it to be burned down, Priam orders the horse to be brought into the city after Archeptolemus views it as a gift intended for calming the gods. A Trojan scout later finds the Greek ships hiding in the cove, but he is quickly shot before he could alert the city. That night, the Greeks hiding inside the horse emerge including Achilles, attacking the sleeping Trojans, and open the city gates for the Greek army, commencing the Sack of Troy. While Andromache and Helen guide the Trojans to safety through the tunnel, Paris gives the Sword of Troy to a young boy named Aeneas, instructing him to protect the Trojans and find them a new home. As the Greek army penetrates the upper city, Glaucus leads the remaining defenders in a valiant last stand. The defenders outside the palace put up a heroic resistance, but they are no match for the numbers of the Greeks. When the palace gates are breached, the few Trojan soldiers left kill many Greeks but are ultimately overwhelmed and slain while Paris escapes at the urging of Glaucus who gives his life for the prince by dueling Odysseus who kills him. Agamemnon finds and kills Priam by impaling him with a spear. He later tries to capture Briseis, who then kills Agamemnon by stabbing him in the neck with a concealed knife. Achilles fights his way through the city and reunites with Briseis after rescuing her from Agamemnon's two Greek soldiers. Paris, seeking to avenge his brother, shoots an arrow through Achilles' heel and then several into his body. Achilles takes out all the arrows but the one in his heel. He then bids farewell to Briseis and watches her flee with Paris before dying.

In the aftermath, Troy is finally taken by the Greeks and a funeral is held for Achilles. Odysseus personally cremates his body while the surviving Trojans flee to Mount Ida.
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